THE largest private piece of land on Earth is up for sale — and it's right here in Australia. The massive chunk of outback territory comprises 10 working cattle stations spanning 11 million hectares — which is about three quarters of the size of England. And it's hit the market for a cool $325 million.
Australia's largest private landowners, pastoralists Donny and Colleen Costello, have expanded their cattle station empire to more than 9.2 million hectares, after acquiring Mount Doreen Station in the Northern Territory for $70 million.
Anna Creek is not only Australia's biggest cattle station; it's the largest in the world. The station covers a total of around 24,000 square kilometers.
The Williams family, of Williams Cattle Company in South Australia, have the title of owning Australia's biggest farming aggregation — the 2.37 million-hectare Anna Creek and The Peake Stations, covering an area bigger than Slovenia.
Yes, you could be the owner of the largest private tract of land on earth after the Australian Kidman family decided to sell their 11 million hectare (8,800 square mile) cattle kingdom in the Australian outback.
The nation's largest private landowners are the Emmerson family in California who own over 2.4 million acres. The bulk of that land is dedicated to timber in Northern California. But the most headline-worthy transaction of 2022 was the Four Sixes Ranch in Texas.
The largest landowner in the world currently is King Charles III of England. How much land does the Royal Family own? He and the British Royal Family own more than 6,600,000,000 acres of land around the world. They technically own many territories around the globe, amounting to 1/6 of the surface of the planet.
China topped the leasehold table with 8.4 million ha, a very small increase on 2019. China has also pulled ahead when aggregating total freehold and leasehold ownership interests, remaining on the same 2.4 percent of total foreign-held land that it had in 2019.
The Lockyer Valley is rated among the top ten most fertile farming areas in the world, and the intensively cultivated area grows the most diverse range of commercial fruit and vegetables of any area in Australia.
The biggest house in Australia is Fairwater, a two-storey mansion in the harbour-side Sydney suburb of Point Piper. Built in 1882, the heritage house features period finishes, stained glass windows, painted ceilings, decorative rich mosaic floors, door leafs and door furniture, panelled walls, and chimney pieces.
It is 8,000 km2 (2,000,000 acres; 3,100 sq mi) larger than its nearest rival, Alexandria Station in the country's Northern Territory. It is over seven times the size of the United States' biggest ranch, King Ranch in Texas, which is 3,340 km2 (830,000 acres; 1,290 sq mi). The station is arid pastoral country.
Anna Creek Station is the biggest cattle station in Australia. In fact, it's the largest working cattle station in the world. It covers 15,746km square kilometres of stark South Australian outback.
From an area perspective, the biggest landholders are Crown Point Pastoral Company, owned by two mates in the Northern Territory with 92,000 square kilometres, followed by the ASX-listed Australian Agricultural Company (66,000 square kilometres), the MacLachlan family of Jumbuck Pastoral Company (52,000 square ...
There's more to Moree than you know. We go back 25 years to look at this rural town and its local characters.
Queensland is one of the most popular states for farm work in Australia, with a variety of jobs available throughout the year. Fruit and vegetable picking, as well as jobs in the sugar cane industry, are common in the region.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' rights and interests in land are formally recognised over around 50 per cent of Australia's land mass. Connection to land is of central importance to First Nations Australians.
According to a government report on foreign ownership of agricultural land, Chinese investors are in fact one of the largest foreign entities with an interest (leasehold and freehold) in Australian farmland.
1. Gina Rinehart, $37.41 billion (up $3.39 billion) Another year, another Rich List crowning Gina Rinehart as Australia's wealthiest person. 2023 marks the fourth consecutive year the mining magnate has held that mantle.
One of the largest landowners in the US is real estate tycoon Stan Kroenke, who owns nearly 1.7 million acres of land scattered over seven states. Ranches, forestry, hunting preserves, and several significant developments are among Kroenke's holdings.
The largest country in the world is Russia with a total area of 17,098,242 Km² (6,601,665 mi²) and a land area of 16,376,870 Km² (6,323,142 mi²), equivalent to 11% of the total world's landmass of 148,940,000 Km² (57,510,000 square miles).
She is Queen of 32 countries, head of a Commonwealth of 54 countries in which a quarter of the world's population lives, and legal owner of about 6.6 billion acres of land, one-sixth of the earth's land surface.
Despite the belief held by many Australian landholders that they own their land absolutely, including anything above or below it, due to the Doctrine of Tenure, the law in Australia holds that the Crown has absolute ownership - not withstanding any native title claims.
This amounts to about 26% of Australia's landmass. This definition does not invalidate non-exclusive native title – land that features other forms of ownership such as pastoral stations – or Indigenous ownership in areas where native title has been extinguished.