Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban – 7.9 / 10.
1. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. The lowest-grossing Harry Potter film, and the third in the series, is also widely regarded as the best by fans and critics.
Daniel Radcliffe's least favourite Harry Potter film
Daniel Radcliffe reportedly hates the film Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which is the sixth film in the series.
It's no surprise that Percy Weasley was the least liked of all the Weasley brothers and sister because he never really made an effort to mingle with anybody else.
Without a doubt, Dolores Umbridge is the most hated character in the Harry Potter universe. Her unnaturally calm and polite demeanor paired with her cruelty makes her incredibly irritating.
The third movie in the series and the only one not to feature Voldemort, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is (undeservedly) the lowest-earning movie out of the series.
Although there are strengths to every house, Hufflepuff house in particular often comes up short. While the other houses seem cool and invite a certain allure, Hufflepuff is a little different. Often considered the least desirable of all the sorting options, here are some reasons why Hufflepuff house is the worst.
Arguably the most famous female character in Harry Potter, Hermione was a dedicated student who always strived to be the best no matter what it took.
Whether you view it through the horror paradigm or not, you cannot doubt that The Chamber of Secrets is one of the most affecting films in the Harry Potter franchise, with it making a bold claim to be the most terrifying from our childhood.
Order of the Phoenix depicts the darkest moment in Harry's life, as he finds himself isolated from friends and with the Wizarding World against him.
J.K. Rowling Says THIS Is Her Favorite Harry Potter Chapter
While engaging with her fans on Twitter, the British novelist said chapter 34, "The Forest Again," from the series's final book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, was closest to her heart.
Slytherin house has some trouble with shaking its murky reputation – and it's all thanks to a certain few witches and wizards like Lucius Malfoy. Today we look at the reasons why he embodied all the worst Slytherin traits and gave his house a bad name… Lucius Malfoy was an odious character.
Finally, Slytherin is thought of as the 'evil' house. These stereotypes are found all throughout Harry Potter, with Harry himself refusing to be sorted into Slytherin and Draco Malfoy saying he'd leave if he were sorted into Hufflepuff.
Hufflepuff House prides itself on being “the friendliest, most decent and most tenacious house of them all.” These wizards and witches aren't afraid to put in a little work to get the job done, and above all, they're extremely loyal.
The novel was rejected by 12 different publishing houses before Bloomsbury accepted it. It goes on: "A copy was submitted to Bloomsbury Publishing and was a significant step in convincing them to offer J.K. Rowling her first contract."
The story was rejected by major publishing houses in the U.K. Rowling's agent, Christopher Little, previously told Huff Post “Various reasons were given including the story being too long, the fact that a story set in a children's boarding school might feel too 'exclusive' to many readers, etc.”
Teenagers are no longer reading Harry Potter books in their legions, it emerged this week, as J.K. Rowling's series dropped out of the top ten favourite books for secondary school pupils. Instead, teens are reading books aimed at primary school children.
1 spot on a sexiest men of "Potter" list. But during those years, Tom Felton has not only become absolutely gorgeous but one of the sweetest and most charming men on the "Potter" cast, and, as we've shown, there are a lot of them.
1 Luna Lovegood Luna Lovegood was a witch from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.