Summarizing from the Wikia about Fairy Clan: Longevity: The average lifespan of a Fairy is between 1000 to 1500 years. They do not appear to physically age and they never suffer from illness.
An average Faery has a lifespan of 450 years though there have been cases where Faeries have lived past that age well into their 500th or 600th year. A Fae does not age or mature normally and reaches mental, sexual and physical maturity at different stages of his or her life.
If you want to count Fairy years by when a Fairy's age is equivalent to a human's, multiply X number of human years by 11,250. That's about 12,000 Fairy years to 12 human months. You can also divide a Fairy's age by 11,250 to translate their age into human years.
Depending on the region, fairies are said to live in woodland communities, underground kingdoms, or inhabit lakes, hills, or stone or grass circles — often along with centaurs, elves, ogres, gnomes and other such animals.
Faeries or Fae are immortal magical beings highly feared by mortals.
Fairies are usually conceived as being characteristically beautiful or handsome and as having lives corresponding to those of human beings, though longer. They have no souls and at death simply perish.
The Ancients are the oldest and most powerful of the Fae.
According to fairy folklore experts, fairies prefer natural foods, with pixie pears and mallow fruits being their favorites. Fairies love foods that are sweet and are prepared with saffron. Among fairies' favorite foods are milk with honey, plain milk, sweet butter and honey cakes.
Fairies love nature in general, but they are especially drawn to flowers. Sometimes flowers are useful to fairies, but sometimes they just like curling up inside a blossom to sleep the day away.
Just like humans, Fairy friends keep themselves busy day to day, with all the usual business of running a Fairy home, keeping up with their studies and meeting with friends.
The oldest fairies on record in England were first described by the historian Gervase of Tilbury in the 13th century. In the 1485 book Le Morte d'Arthur, Morgan le Fay, whose connection to the realm of Faerie is implied in her name, is a woman whose magic powers stem from study.
Kids are Over Magic, Unicorns and Fairies by Age Six. Modern kids stop believing in magic aged six – two years earlier than their parent's generation, according to research. Researchers found youngsters start doubting the existence of magic and creatures like unicorns, fairies and elves at this age.
They start as jumpy flighty little wriggly larvae and spin cocoons of the finest silks that often have bits of leaves in them. They are then born as frail, papery thin humanoid beings with a slight insect appearance that fades over time.
Fairies reproduce much like most humans do. After a gestation period of about 90 days, usually a single offspring, but rarely twins or triplets, will be born.
At what age do fairies mature 5e? Fairies slowly reach maturity at 40 years old. After which time are ageless within the feywild. In other planes, without the magic of the Fey to sustain them, they age similarly to elves, commonly exceeding 800 years although many will return to the Feywild before this time.
In modern day, fairies have been associated with children's books, resulting in the moniker, “fairy tales,” according to Live Science. Though the belief in fairies still exists to present day, there is no concrete proof for or against the existence of fairies.
Weapons and implements made from cold iron are often granted special efficacy against creatures such as fairies and spirits. In the Disney film Maleficent, the title character reveals early on that iron is lethal to fairies, and that the metal burns them on contact.
Fairies want breeding stock or human lovers
Perhaps there is such emphasis on beautiful human children because the fairies want to ensure good genetics in their future generations. Lady Wilde also said that "handsome children" are taken by the Sidhe and "wedded to fairy mates when they grow up."
Rabbits, hares, and cottontail bunnies are also common pets and companions for fairies. They're quite speedy and love to help fairies by delivering things for them. In addition, they're quite watchful, and are able to give fairies plenty of heads up before any danger comes their way.
Yes, fairies DO need toilets.
Classifications – which most often come from scholarly analysis, and may not always accurately reflect local traditions – typically focus on behavior or physical characteristics. A group of fairies is called a “spark.” For instance, “the spark of fairies moved so quickly they looked like a flash of lightning.”
A loving mother to all the fairies, the Fairy Queen is full of wisdom, knowledge, and power. She will do anything to keep her fairies out of harms' way and maintain peace in her kingdom. One of her many powers is being able to travel in the form of golden pixie dust.
Male fairies are simply called fairies. There is no gender distinction. According to folklore, however, there are dozens of types of fairies, and a number of these types are primarily or exclusively male.