Diverticular disease is regarded as a chronic condition, which requires lifelong management.
Complicated diverticulitis
If you have a severe attack or have other health problems, you'll likely need to be hospitalized. Treatment generally involves: Intravenous antibiotics. Insertion of a tube to drain an abdominal abscess, if one has formed.
Symptoms of diverticulitis are more severe and often start suddenly, but they may become worse over a few days. They include: Tenderness, usually in the left lower part of the abdomen.
Living with diverticular disease
If you have diverticulosis, you may sometimes get flare-ups of diverticulitis. To prevent these, your doctor may suggest you eat more fiber, drink plenty of fluids, and exercise regularly. This should help prevent the pouches from becoming infected or inflamed.
Peritonitis. In rare cases, an infected diverticulum (pouch in your colon) can split, spreading the infection into the lining of your abdomen (perforation). An infection of the lining of the abdomen is known as peritonitis. Peritonitis can be life-threatening, and requires immediate treatment with antibiotics.
Diverticulitis is often a medical emergency, requiring immediate medical attention and, frequently, admission to hospital. Mild attacks can be treated at home, but should always be assessed promptly. Treatment may include: no eating or drinking – intravenous fluids are given to rest the bowel.
Actually, no specific foods are known to trigger diverticulitis attacks. And no special diet has been proved to prevent attacks. In the past, people with small pouches (diverticula) in the lining of the colon were told to avoid nuts, seeds and popcorn.
Mild cases of diverticulitis are usually treated with antibiotics and a low-fiber diet, or treatment may start with a period of rest where you eat nothing by mouth, then start with clear liquids and then move to a low-fiber diet until your condition improves. More-severe cases typically require hospitalization.
CAUSES. The most commonly accepted theory for the formation of diverticulosis is related to high pressure within the colon, which causes weak areas of the colon wall to bulge out and form the sacs. A diet low in fiber and high in red meat may also play a role.
The risk of having colorectal cancer after an episode of acute diverticulitis is 44-fold higher than that of an age- and gender-adjusted reference population.
Most patients with diverticulitis are older than 50 years; the mean age at presentation appears to be about 60 years.
Outlook (Prognosis)
Most people who have diverticulosis have no symptoms. Once these pouches have formed, you will have them for life. Up to 25% of people with the condition will develop diverticulitis. This occurs when small pieces of stool become trapped in the pouches, causing infection or swelling.
Diverticulosis may lead to several complications including inflammation, infection, bleeding or intestinal blockage. Fortunately, diverticulosis does not lead to cancer. Diverticulitis occurs when the pouches become infected or inflamed.
The most common symptom of diverticulitis is belly or abdominal pain. The most common sign that you have it is feeling sore or sensitive on the left side of your lower belly. If infection is the cause, then you may have fever, nausea, vomiting, chills, cramping, and constipation.
Bulk-forming laxatives such as Metamucil or Citrucel may be recommended after the diverticulitis flare-up has resolved. These types of supplements can help add fiber to the diet while treating either constipation or diarrhea.
In about 95 out of 100 people, uncomplicated diverticulitis goes away on its own within a week. In about 5 out of 100 people, the symptoms stay and treatment is needed. Surgery is only rarely necessary.
In addition, many patients with diverticular disease surgically treated in an emergency setting will live with a colostomy for the remainder of their lives.
Surgery usually isn't necessary in people who have acute diverticulitis. But there are exceptions: If abscesses (collections of pus) have formed, and treatment with antibiotics isn't successful, surgery is unavoidable.
Diverticulosis: What to Eat. Cater says people with diverticulosis can benefit from eating fiber-rich foods, including: Whole grains, such as quinoa, bulgur, teff, barley, popcorn, oats, shredded wheat or bran cereals, and whole grain breads. Beans and legumes, including black beans, kidney beans, chickpeas and lentils.
There are no specific foods you need to avoid. You do not need to avoid any foods such as nuts, seeds, corn, popcorn or tomatoes if you have diverticular disease. These foods do not make diverticular disease worse. These foods may even help prevent it because they are high fibre choices.
Dairy: “Cottage cheese and Greek yogurt are real winners if you're recovering from a flare-up: They're high in protein, calcium and other nutrients and don't have any fiber. They're also soft, moist and easier to get down if you're not feeling well,” says Taylor. You can also have milk and cheese.