23. publicly. The most commonly misspelled word, according to the Oxford Dictionary. One reason is that this word violates a general spelling rule in English: for words ending in “ic,” you should add “ally” (e.g., logically).
The majority of English-speaking countries, the U.S., UK, Canada, and Australia, each have "coolly" and "minuscule" listed as their most-misspelled words, according to WordTips.
In the samples below, the spelling errors from a student's writing are assembled into three broad categories: phonological (phonetically inaccurate), orthographic (phonetically plausible but inaccurate), and morphologic/syntactic.
We have a long history of linking spelling skills to intelligence. We think people who can't spell are ignorant, illiterate, or stupid, despite having research dating back to the 1970s that shows that there is no significant association between spelling ability and intelligence.
able, aftermath, afternoon, appear, attack, attend, bicycle, breakfast, brightly, cabbage, cable, carpenter, channel, circle, climb, comfort, comical, confirm, construct, curtain, customer, damage, decide, delight, disappear, discover, empty, encourage, entertain, equal, exactly, forever, fruit, fuel, group, guard, ...
The number 73 in words is expressed as seventy-three.
Myth 1: I'm a bad speller because I'm dyslexic
There are some processes involved in both spelling and reading, so some people will have problems with both skills. But research has clearly shown that many people are good readers, but poor spellers; or good spellers, yet poor readers.
The kind of visual memory necessary for spelling is closely "wired in" to the language processing networks in the brain. Poor spellers have trouble remembering the letters in words because they have trouble noticing, remembering, and recalling the features of language that those letters represent.
Widespread sounding of the word occurs through the name of the company Google, with the name "Google" being an accidental misspelling of "googol" by the company's founders, which was picked to signify that the search engine was intended to provide large quantities of information.
Google got its name because of a misspelling. Technology giant Google's name originated from misspelling of the word "googol" which is a mathematical term for the number represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros.
123 in words is written as One hundred twenty-three. In both the International System of Numerals and the Indian System of Numerals, 123 is written as One hundred twenty-three.
The word onomatopoeia is a jumble of vowels and is probably the most difficult English word to pronounce. It is pronounced [on-uh-mat-uh–pee–uh], and it defines a word that imitates a sound.
Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that impairs a person's ability to read and write. Dyslexia involves the ways that the brain processes graphic symbols and the sounds of words. It commonly affects word recognition, spelling, and the ability to match letters to sounds.
By 18 months, your child might know and use 20-100 meaningful words. You'll notice your child using new words nearly every day.
Letter formation requires extensive cognitive resources and coordination of fine-motor skills before the process becomes automatized. Some individuals continue to struggle with letter formation, particularly those with dysgraphia, dyspraxia, and visual processing disorders.