Grab a famous fairy name like “Cosmo,” “Wanda,” “Puck,” “Oberon,” “Titania,” “Tink,” “Flora,” “Fauna,” or “Merryweather.” You might even consider types of fairies, calling your pooch “Selkie,” “Pixie,” “Will,” “Wisp,” “Seelie,” “Tooth,” “Brownie,” or “Deva.” You might even pick a more general faery realm name: “Flight, ...
It is for these lost souls that the “A Dog Has No Name” project was created. The purpose of this project is to attempt to tell the story of those dogs that died without a name, and in doing so, identify those cases in which animal abuse is suspected so a criminal investigation can be initiated.
Researchers found that nationwide, Charlie is the most common boy pet name and Luna is the most-loved girl pet name, but the results get a little more specific when you look at dogs and cats, respectively.
For example, the names Bruiser, Butch, Tank, and Goliath are all big dog names; however, they are also names associated with fighting or warfare. Names such as Sequoia, Baloo, Groot, and Jolly are giant associated names that suggest a gentleness of nature as well.