1. Kia ora. Kia ora is the easiest and most useful Māori phrase you can deploy to impress the Kiwis around you. Mostly used as a greeting, it can also be used to thank someone for a kind deed.
Some of the most frequent words in Māori, as in other languages, are function or grammar words; these include words like: te, i, ki, a, mā, ō. Rather than necessarily carrying a specific meaning, they may indicate the relationships between the phrases and clauses in sentences.
“Turn your face toward the sun and the shadows will fall behind you.” “As man disappears from sight, the land remains.” “As an old net withers, another is remade.”
Use kia ora to wish someone well as a greeting or farewell, to say thank you, to affirm support, or to say a friendly 'cheers'. You can also use kia ora to answer the phone or start an email.
Ka kite anō
A friendly, informal way to say goodbye to someone you will see again, and sometimes shortened to just ka kite.
Ka Kite Ano (See you tomorrow)
Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari kē he toa takitini
It's a good whakatauki to use when wanting to acknowledge the support of many.
The Māori motto on the masthead is 'Ko te tika, ko te pono, ko te aroha' (justice, truth and love).
With deepest sympathy. 'Ka aroha hoki' is an idiom used to express sympathy, disappointment or regret. A greeting card appropriate for tangi (funerals), or to gift loved ones struggling with illness or difficult situations.
Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu. This name comes from the Maori language and refers to a hill located in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. At 85 characters long, this name is often considered to be one of the longest place names in the world.
Commonly mispronounced place names across New Zealand include Waikato (wai-kat-oh), Taupō (tauh-poh) and Hokitika (hoeka-tika), and, in the wider Manawatū you may hear "man-a-watu" (Manawatū), "oh-taki" (Ōtaki) or "tehr-rua" (Tararua).
The English translation is : Greetings to all.
He pai ki ahau' means 'I like...', a useful.
The sentence Ka pai / te mahi may be translated as "The work / is good" but the verb particle ka does not translate to "is".
Kia kaha, Kia māia, Kia manawanui | Be strong, be brave, be steadfast.
"Go fly a kite" is an idiom that is used as a way of telling someone to go away or to leave you alone. The phrase originated in the 1940s and was very popular at that time and for the next few decades. Its meaning is derived from its literal meaning: A person would probably need to go away to actually fly a kite.
The word waka means "Japanese poem," and it is a form so basic to Japanese literature that Japanese still study and write it today.
Goodbye. Mā te wā – See you later. Ka kite (anō) – See you (again). Haere rā – Goodbye (said to someone leaving by the person who is staying).
Ka aroha hoki:
With deepest sympathy. 'Ka aroha hoki' is an idiom used to express sympathy, disappointment or regret.
te kino kē hoki
excellent, really skilled, masterful, first-rate, top-notch, outstanding, superb, exceptional - an idiom to express praise for someone, an action or some other aspect. Both or either te and hoki may be omitted, while te may be replaced by ka or he.
Karakia are Māori incantations and prayer used to invoke spiritual guidance and protection. They are generally used to increase the spiritual goodwill of a gathering, so as to increase the likelihood of a favourable outcome. They are also considered a formal greeting when beginning a ceremony.