Michigan, says globalization expert. A new book examining the forces shaping the future of global migration forecasts Michigan as the best place in the world to live in 2050.
The Notre Dame Institute judges Switzerland to be the least climate vulnerable country and Niger to be the most vulnerable.
What they found is that the bottom-10 list is filled with countries in sub-Saharan Africa, with Somalia being identified as the country least likely to survive changes of climate change.
While many people have already moved to Tasmania to escape the heat in other states, some doomsday preppers are weighing up the island state as a post-apocalyptic option. Tasmania scored highly in the report in terms of its climate, electricity supply, agricultural resources and population density.
hot days will become hotter and more frequent. the time in drought will increase across southern Australia. snow depths will decline. extreme rainfall events will become more intense.
Duluth in Minnesota on Lake Superior bills itself as the most climate-proof city in the U.S., although it's already dealing with fluctuating water levels. Other upper Midwest cities around the lakes, including Minneapolis and Madison, are also likely to be desirable destinations.
Australia is facing an "insurability crisis" with one in 25 homes on track to be effectively uninsurable by 2030, according to a Climate Council report. Another one in 11 are at risk of being underinsured.
Southern and eastern Australia are projected to experience harsher fire weather (high confidence). Tropical cyclones may occur less often, but become more intense (medium confidence). Projected changes will be superimposed on significant natural climate variability.
5) with no action to reduce emissions, then average summer temperatures could rise by 1.4C – 2.7C by about 2050, with increases in most capital cities of about 2C. Sydney would be the most impacted area with an average 2.2C rise.
Australia could swing from three years of La Niña to hot and dry El Niño in 2023. Australia could swing from three years of above-average rainfall to one of the hottest, driest El Niño periods on record, as models show an increasing likelihood the climate driver may form in the Pacific in 2023.
Canberra is the happiest capital of Australia, according to research.
Leafy subtropical Brisbane led the field, boasting the greenest populated suburbs of any Australian capital city. More than 79% of people in Greater Brisbane enjoy life in suburbs with total tree cover greater than 20%.
They call these lucky places “nodes of persisting complexity.” The winner, tech billionaires who already own bunkers there will be pleased to know, is New Zealand. The runners-up are Tasmania, Ireland, Iceland, Britain, the United States and Canada.
Canada. Perhaps no country on Earth stands to gain more from climate change than Canada.
Dr Auld added while Australia is unlikely to hit a technical recession, that is two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth, it will feel like a recession for some. "I do think it would be possible to get a big enough lift in the unemployment rate such that, things felt a bit more recession-like."
Residents in the Australian Capital Territory are expected to live the longest - 82.7 years for males and 86.3 for females.
The RBA's unemployment rate forecast for the end of 2023 is significantly below that at 3.7 per cent. “If our forecast is realised, that would qualify as a recession on our definition, even if — as our forecasts assume – gross domestic product (GDP) avoids two consecutive quarters of negative growth,” he said.
Australia is vulnerable to the effects of global warming projected for the next 50 to 100 years because of its extensive arid and semi-arid areas, and already warm climate, high annual rainfall variability, and existing pressures on water supply.