February babies have the rarest birthstone of all. Diamond (April) is the rarest birthstone in a total of six states, while topaz (November) is the rarest birthstone in Montana, Wyoming, and Rhode Island.
Deemed the King of all birthstones, the diamond is unequivocally the most prized and sought-after of all gems, making it the ideal choice for April birthday gifts.
Moissanite: The Second Hardest Mineral in Nature after Diamond. The colors seen in moissanite from the Mount Carmel area of northern Israel range from dark blue to light green. photo by Aurélien Delaunay.
The birthstone of July, and the “King of Gemstones”, Ruby certainly is a popular gem choice among a vast collection.
Opal: The Queen of Gemstones.
Traditionally, each month is associated with a single gemstone, but as you'll find below there are a few months with multiple birthstones. The birthstones associated with birth months today are not necessarily the same ones that were used in ancient times.
December Birthstones
Zircon is the oldest mineral on Earth, dating back more than 4.4 billion years. Found in the Earth's crust, it's common in most sand and sedimentary deposits, as well as metamorphic rocks and crystallized magma.
On the unlucky side of birthdates, November holds the record for the least favorite birthstones: citrine and topaz. (Apparently because yellow gems aren't considered favorable…have people gone mad?)
Opal is a particularly special gemstone that may exhibit a variety of colors inside a single stone and glitters when you move it around in your hand. Many people are captivated by this gem, and with good reason, they think it is the most beautiful birthstone.
Amethyst. One stone that appears on almost every list for relieving stress is amethyst. It's considered a favorite stone for many reasons. This purple, semiprecious stone is a variety of quartz that can range in color from pale pink to violet to deep purple.
Amethyst is a member of the quartz family and February's birthstone.
Sapphire Gemstone Meaning
Sapphires are also very closely associated with royalty, as they were one of the most popular stones used in royal jewels.
Royal Stones, jewels captured in sparkling bottles, inspired by the British Royal family. Elegant and intriguing olfactory creations, resplendent gems into the selective perfumery.
The ancient Sanskrit word for ruby translates as “king of precious stones”. In Hinduism, rubies were the stones people offered to the deity Krishna.
Garnet is the current leader of the Crystal Gems. She is a fusion of two smaller gems, Ruby and Sapphire, and her personality is a combination of the two.
The four most sought-after precious gemstones are diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, and rubies.
Scientists have found a mineral stronger than diamond. They say lonsdaleite could be used to fortify industrial tools like drill bits and saw blades - AND teach us about the evolution of earth.
Most Fragile Gems: Selenite, Maxixe.
Sapphires. Blue sapphires are the standard but pink and yellow colored sapphires are rising in popularity. A sapphire without any visible inclusions or chips can hold its price indefinitely.