Carrion flowers, also known as corpse flowers or stinking flowers, are mimetic flowers that emit an odor that smells like rotting flesh. Apart from the scent, carrion flowers often display additional characteristics that contribute to the mimesis of a decaying corpse.
Amorphophallus titanum is often called corpse flower because when it blooms, it emits a powerful stench similar to that of rotting meat. This scent, along with the deep-red, meaty color of the open spathe, attracts insect pollinators that feed on dead animals.
Titan arum is one of the smelliest plants on Earth. Nicknamed the corpse flower, it has an incredibly foul smell of rotten flesh when in bloom. This nauseating odour is produced to attract pollinators that love to feed and breed on flesh.
Indonesian officials may have found the largest flower ever, and it smells awful. The flower belongs to the Rafflesia genus, whose members are known as corpse lilies or corpse flowers due to their odour of decaying flesh. The stink attracts the insect pollinators these species use to reproduce.
Touching Rafflesia with hands will cause damage to the flower. Pix courtesy of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
In fact, the Rafflesia arnoldii is known as the "corpse flower" because it smells like dead flesh. And unlike most plants, this flower does not use energy from the Sun to make its own food. Instead, it is a parasite: it gets all its nutrients and water from a host, a vine in the grape family.
The corpse flower (Amorphophallus titanum) is the largest unbranched inflorescence in the plant kingdom, boasts a powerful stink, and blooms for just 2-3 days once every year or two.
The world's largest flower belongs to the Rafflesia genus which is known for producing plants that smell like rotting meat. This particular bloom is believed to be Rafflesia tuan-mudae and was discovered in the Maninjau Forest Conservation in Indonesia.
The Middlemist Red flower is probably the rarest flower in the world, and it can only be found in London and New Zealand. The Chinese botanist John Middlemist brought this plant to London in 1804.
The titan arum is a flowering plant, native to Indonesia's island of Sumatra. The plant's full bloom only once every seven to ten years. This rare event only lasts 24 to 36 hours.
It takes seven to ten years for a single corpse flower to gather enough energy to begin its bloom cycle. The Garden began collecting titan arums in 2003, as part of a worldwide conservation effort to preserve the species.
A MORNING Glory flower blooms only once, and dies the same day.
Mallotus claoxyloides is an Australian rainforest plant in the spurge family. Common names include green kamala, odour bush, and smell of the bush. Opinions are divided on the strong scent of the plant. Some say it is offensive and resembles a skunk while most others find the scent aromatic and delightful.
Black Petunia- The Blackest Flower
The Petunia Black Velvet is the blackest flower and was created in 2010. This plant is a very popular choice among gardeners and is known for is a striking dark colour.
Henbane. Hyoscyamus niger, henbane, is, like mandrake, a member of a huge botanical order, the Solanaceae, and like mandrake is capable of inducing a profound and long lasting unconsciousness, thanks to its hyoscine content. Unlike mandrake, however, henbane grows naturally in the British Isles.
The Titan Arum, or corpse flower, has become a rockstar in the plant world for its unpredictable displays, and more notoriously, its putrid stench of rotting flesh.
Plant that packs a punch
Dubbed the 'corpse flower', Titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum) stinks of rotting flesh when in bloom. Whilst some pollinators are attracted to floral aromas, the pollinators of Titan arum love to feed and breed on flesh and dung.
Carrion flowers - or corpse flowers as they are most commonly known - smell like rotting flesh. The corpse flower at the Amazon Spheres has been called Morticia, the matriarch of The Addams Family. Blooming occurs on average every 5 to 10 years, with peak viewing of the flower within the first 24 hours.
Stargazer lilies smell of floral perfection to some, but to me they smell like hot dogs.
Sunflower. Sunflower is among the most popular flowers that are not only easy to grow but are also visually appealing. In fact, there is barely a garden or field without this tall beauty. However, as inviting, bright and cheery as these blooms are, they don't carry any fragrance.
Botanical name: Antirrhinum majus Family: Plantaginaceae (Plantain family) The flower which goes by the name of dog-flower in India, is known as snapdragon in other places.
Answer. Watermeal. (Wolffia spp.) Watermeal (Wolffia spp.) is a member of the duckweed family (Lemnaceae), a family that contains some of the simplest flowering plants.
Rafflesia arnoldii holds the record for the world's largest individual flower, at over three feet in diameter and 20 pounds. There are other botanical behemoths, and even other foul-smelling ones: Species of Amorphophallus, found in Asia, Africa, and Australia, are also called corpse flowers.
The leafless plant rafflesia (Rafflesia arnoldii) of Malaysia is also known as the monster flower. Its fleshy flower is the largest known flower in the world, often growing to about 3 feet (1 meter) across and weighing as much as 24 pounds (11 kilograms).