Eddie's father dies from pneumonia, which he caught while saving his friend Mickey Shea during an ocean storm. He represents extreme male aggression and toughness.
After the death of Eddie's father, he secretly cursed him, for how he had treated Eddie and how Eddie was forced to take over his job at the pier.
Eddie father got sick from drinking so much that he collapsed twice and died. Eddie was mad because he asked himself if he could of done anything to help.
On Eddie's thirty-third birthday, Eddie's mom called him to tell him that his father had collapsed and gone to the hospital. He eventually died of pneumonia after coming home drunk and wet from the ocean. Eddie was disappointed in his father's unheroic death.
He was seldom proud of Eddie, only when he physically fixed a maintenance problem. He was also a belligerent drunk and beat Eddie and Joe; he was neglectful and he ceased talking to Eddie when he came home from the war. Eddie feels his father destroyed him in three ways: neglect, silence and violence.
Sadly, Eddie never had the chance, dying in a moment that could be questioned as a sacrifice in general. Instead, it seems like he was killed for potential shock value or to show that someone who was not the main character did not survive the battle against Vecna.
Eddie asks why the Blue Man is his first person, and he informs Eddie that, when Eddie was very young, he caused the car accident that killed him.
His father's last words to him were “get a job.” He tells Ruby that she didn't even know his father. But Ruby knows something that Eddie doesn't know. With the tip of her parasol, Ruby draws a circle in the snow. Eddie looks down into the circle as though his eyes are falling through a hole.
Eddie never met Ruby during his life, as she was much older and they weren't directly related, but the amusement park where Eddie works all his life, Ruby Pier, was built for Ruby by her husband. Ruby feels connected to Eddie, as she was present in the shared hospital room when Eddie's father died.
After violently grabbing his crying wife and jerking her around, Eddie's father runs after Mickey and into the storm. He finds Mickey at the ocean, and the two men fall into the tide fighting. The water catches Mickey, and Eddie's father decides to rescue him. He pulls Mickey to safety.
After triggering his medicine down its throat a few times, It bites Eddie's arm off. With his few remaining seconds, he tells Richie to stop calling him Eds, before dying. The Losers later leave Eddie's body in the sewers, despite Richie's protests saying they should take his body back with them.
The scene was gut-wrenching enough and fans cannot forget it, whether they want to or not. The kicker of it all? Eddie's final words to Dustin: "I love you, man." If those words weren't already bringing on the waterworks, Dustin tearfully replies "I love you, too." And then Eddie is gone.
Ruby also tells Eddie that before his father died, he was calling for his wife and both his sons. She explains that Emile, her dying husband, occupied the other bed in the hospital room where Eddie's father was staying - which is why she knows the circumstances of Eddie's father's death.
Ruby tells Eddie that he should learn from this story that holding onto anger is poisonous. You may think anger will act as a weapon toward others, but it only hurts you.
He died from a heart attack, caused by the shock from a young Eddie running into the street after a lost ball on his birthday.
He considered sadness a sign of weakness. That night, Eddie's father began yelling at him, as he used to. He screamed at Eddie to get up and get a job.
Her husband Emile was the other patient in the room. Ruby felt connected to Eddie's family because of their connection with Ruby Pier. She thought that the park had cursed their lives, and her wish that Ruby Pier had never been built followed her all the way to heaven. That's why Ruby's heaven is a diner.
The people Eddie meets are- the Blue Man, the Captain, Ruby, his wife Marguerite, and Tala(read the book to know their stories). Surprisingly, out of all these five people, it is Tala- a young girl, who Eddie meets for the first time(in heaven, no less!), who had the most profound impact on him.
The Captain confesses that he shot Eddie in the leg to prevent Eddie from chasing the shadow into the fire. This saved Eddie's life despite leaving him with a lifelong severe limp. Eddie then learns how the Captain died: he stepped on a land mine that would have killed all the men had he not set it off.
16. What is the last thing Eddie remembers physically feeling before he dies? The little girl's hands in his own. 17.
The fourth person Eddie meets in Heaven is his wife, Marguerite. She is one of the few people he meets whom he knew in his life.
Who pays for Eddie's funeral? The park owner, with Eddie's paycheck. What does Eddie's co-worker say about Eddie? "Eddie really loved his wife."
The hero of a Greek tragedy is usually likeable but has one fatal flaw, or serious failing. Eddie represents this character, and his fatal flaw is his obsession with Catherine. He races towards his death and it is all of his own making. Nobody else can help or stop him.
The creators - the Duffer Brothers - have now shared more heartbreaking details from behind the scenes of the huge death scene, revealing that one particularly poignant moment of it was actually improvised by the actors. In the scene, Eddie Munson - the leader of the Hellfire Club - was tragically killed.
As a result Marco then stands on him then on page 65, Eddie brought out a knife however Marco intercepts it and turns it towards Eddie and stabbed him. The consequence being Eddie's life being taken way from him.