Arriving at Shell Cottage, Harry discovers that Dobby has been fatally wounded by
Like Cedric's relationship with Harry, he and Dobby become friends by the end of their journey together. One factor that makes both Cedric and Dobby's deaths exceptionally tragic is their innocence. Cedric and Dobby both died like Lily and James, attempting to protect Harry from a Death Eater.
This knife was used by the infamous Death Eater during the Skirmish at Malfoy Manor – firstly to torture Hermione Granger and then to kill Dobby, as Harry Potter and friends escaped.
Another ESPF weakness is their inability to deal with conflict. This is a consistent problem for Dobby. At the beginning of the Harry Potter books, Dobby shuts down whenever a conflict occurs.
In his efforts to save his friends, he paid the ultimate sacrifice when Bellatrix threw a knife just as Dobby apparated, stabbing him. Dobby's broken promise as he tried to protect Harry one last time ultimately led to him paying the price.
2. Dobby. Without question, he was one of the few characters in the books who was completely innocent and pure. He was killed because he willingly, voluntarily, put himself in a dangerous situation, returning to the home where he had lived as a slave for the majority of his life, to save his friends.
The severity of the injury and rapid blood loss make it difficult for Dobby's friends to save him. Attempts to save Dobby include applying Essence of Dittany, a potion known for accelerating wound healing.
House-elves could perform magic beyond that of a wizard
Dobby frequently demonstrated himself to be immensely powerful, causing Lucius Malfoy himself to back down with just a point of his finger.
Dobby's injuries were too severe for him to be saved. Magic has its limits. Also, Hermione was not in great shape herself, having been tortured by Bellatrix. She also lacked the advanced medical training, though it really wouldn't have mattered if she were trained as Dobby was beyond help.
Harry, Ron, Griphook, and Dobby all Disapparate to Bill Weasley's cottage, but Dobby arrives mortally wounded, Bellatrix having thrown her silver knife into his body before he disappeared.
This knife was used by the infamous Death Eater during the Skirmish at Malfoy Manor – firstly to torture Hermione Granger and then to kill Dobby, as Harry Potter and friends escaped.
However, Bellatrix threw her knife at them, trying to aim at Harry, as they vanished, and struck Dobby directly in the chest. The house-elf died soon afterwards, near the garden of Shell Cottage, where he was subsequently buried.
When Dobby's last words before dying in Harry's arms are "Such a beautiful place, to be with friends. Dobby is happy to be with his friend, Harry Potter."
2 Answers. Even though she had a general knowledge of various spells, she was not trained for healing - even in the books she mentions she never attempted to further her knowledge of healing wounds.
Hedwig's killer is not explicitly identified, so he/she may have appeared in other books, films or video games, but the only known appearance is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1. A popular fan theory based on book canon suggests that Snape may have killed Hedwig.
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was the only wizard Voldemort ever feared and the only one who could have defeated him in a duel. Albus Dumbledore is the most powerful wizard in the Harry Potter.
1 Voldemort – Harry Potter
He who should not be named makes the number one spot. Voldemort is known for his viciously evil nature. He has wiped out entire generations of Wizards for standing against him, and his power in the dark arts knows no equal.
In reality, Dobby's Grave is located on Freshwater West beach in Pembrokeshire. Why didn't Harry use magic to bury Dobby? Dobby was a dear friend to Harry, so he wanted to provide him with a proper burial. Hence, he refused to use magic to bury him.
According to the WOMBAT test, it is possible that house-elves have an average life expectancy of 200 years, cannot be ordered to kill themselves, breed infrequently and only with their master's permission, can override wizard enchantments, and have an allegiance to their home rather than its inhabitants.
After being on the run from a bunch of Snatchers, the gang were taken to Malfoy Manor, where Bellatrix proceeded to torture Hermione using the Cruciatus Curse. It was a testament to Hermione's toughness that she was able to walk away without lasting damage.
This year, Rowling is is sorry for, “for killing someone who didn't die during the Battle of Hogwarts, but who laid down his life to save the people who'd win it.” “I refer, of course, to Dobby the house elf,” Rowling wrote on Twitter.
However, he met his demise in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," when he was killed by Bellatrix Lestrange while attempting to help Harry escape from Death Eaters at Malfoy Manor. Harry and his friends then took his little elf body and buried it along the beach.
Dobby dies moments later, his final words being "Harry Potter". Harry is deeply grieved and decides to dig Dobby's grave by hand without using magic. Ron and Dean join Harry and labor with him. They place Dobby's body in the grave and give him socks, shoes and a hat.