I recommend whole grain, whole wheat or multigrain bread for people with kidney disease. Be careful to check the sodium in whatever bread you buy. Bread is a surprising source of salt! Historically, white bread was recommended because it has less phosphorus in it.
White or brown pan loaf, baguettes, pitta bread, ciabatta, chapattis, white or granary bread rolls are all suitable. Your dietitian will decide if you can eat wholemeal bread based on your blood levels. Sourdough bread is not a suitable bread as it is high in phosphate.
White loaf bread slices. Instead of choosing bread baked with self-rising flour, white loaf bread slices are baked using white flour or all-purpose flour which is lower in phosphorus and potassium compared to wheat flour.
If you are on hemodialysis, unless you need to limit your calorie intake for weight loss and/or manage carbohydrate intake for blood sugar control, you may eat as much as you desire of grains, cereals and breads. They are a good source of calories. Most people need 6-11 servings from this food group each day.
If possible, make meat sandwiches from low sodium, fresh-cooked meats such as chicken, turkey breast, roast beef, pork or fish. Use meat leftover from dinner, or cook fresh meat specifically for lunch sandwiches. Consider freezing cooked meat in 2- to 3-ounce portions until needed.
Most dairy foods are very high in phosphorus. People with kidney disease should limit their daily intake of milk, yogurt, and cheese to ½ cup milk, or ½ cup yogurt or 1-ounce cheese. If you do eat high-phosphorus foods, ask your doctor for a phosphate binder to be taken with your meals.
Butter contains saturated fat, which increases your risk for heart disease. The National Kidney Foundation notes that heart disease is a major risk factor for kidney disease and vice versa. Consume less butter, lard and shortening to reduce your intake of saturated fat and lower your risk for heart and kidney disease.
Your body needs protein to build tissue and stay strong, so eat the right amount without eating an excess. Most people with chronic kidney disease need between 60-70 grams of protein a day, which is the amount in about 7 ounces of meat or 10 large eggs.
Avoid saturated fats such as butter, lard, shortening, hard or hydrogenated margarine, coconut milk, palm and coconut oil. Limit saturated and trans fats, which are present in foods with “hydrogenated oil” or “partially hydrogenated oil” or “shortening”.
Broccoli is a medium potassium food, low in sodium and phosphorus, and suitable for all the following kidney conditions and treatments: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Tomatoes are a good way to add extra potassium to your diet and decrease the need to take an additional potassium pill. Eating tomatoes will not have an effect on forming kidney stones.
People with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are often concerned about eating tomatoes if they have been advised by their renal dietitian to follow a low potassium diet. However, in the right amount and served with the right foods, tomatoes can still be enjoyed safely.
Sourdough bread is an excellent source of: Calcium. Potassium. Magnesium.
Beta-Carotene Benefits
Beta-carotene, the water-soluble form of vitamin A in carrots, helps the kidneys filter toxins out of the blood and prevent urinary tract infections, according to Dr. George D.
Whole grains and kidney disease
Most whole grains contain less than 200 mg of both potassium and phosphorous per ½ cup serving and therefore can be included in any of the following kidney conditions and treatments: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)/Transplant. Hemodialysis (3 times/week)
Peanut butter is a high potassium, high phosphorus ingredient but still works in a kidney diet as a substitute for meat. Portion control is important. Additional phosphate binder may be required if eaten as a snack---check with your renal dietitian.
Healthy options for kidney disease are protein, egg whites, fish, unsaturated fats, fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables, apple juice, grape and cranberry juice, light colored soda. The amount of protein intake per day varies depending on the stage of kidney disease.
Moreover, when it comes to chronic kidney disease patients, going gluten-free may be harmful for some individuals. This is due to the alternative grains in gluten-free products and their levels of sodium, potassium, and phosphorus—the nutrients controlled on a renal diet.
cereals. Pick those that do not contain dried fruit, nuts or chocolate. Good options include porridge, cornflakes, Rice Krispies, Weetabix, shredded wheat, Special K and Cheerios.