On the inside of the leg the calf needs to have a short but well-defined convex curve. The best legs also have a short concave curve which descends into the ankle, and a much longer and smoother convex curve on the outside – and the curves on the inside and the outside of the legs should not be symmetrical.
Participants were presented with images of people with the same height but varying leg lengths. Their research supported that all genders find longer legs attractive; the majority preferred legs 5% longer than average, and the ideal female leg length was found to be 1.4 times the length of the upper body.
Most women look good in straight or slightly tapered legs. Tapered legs accentuate narrow hips and legs flatter oval or inverted triangle shaped bodies with little waist definition.
Studies have shown that men prefer women with longer-than-average legs and a higher leg-length-to-body ratio. Men's interest in women's legs may explain the preference for tall fashion models. Admiring a woman's legs might have mostly to do with innate attraction to the sensual, rather than the more explicitly sexual.
Uniform coloration. Good bone density. Long enough to place both feet on the ground comfortably when seated in a standard chair. Devoid of maladies such as Guinea worm, edema, arthritis, restless leg syndrome, peripheral neuropathy, etc.
From an evolutionary/broscience POV I think toned, muscular legs with an athletic/efficient and relaxed form is very attractive simply because man subconsciously knows it is a sign of individual fitness and physical ability.
There are a few reasons why a guy might stare at a girl's thighs. Maybe he's admiring her curves, or maybe he's thinking about what it would feel like to touch her skin. Maybe he's imagining kissing her neck as his hands slide up her thighs. Or maybe he's just wondering why she's wearing such short shorts.
Scientifically, a low waist-to-hip ratio (waist narrower than hips) has been considered one of the most attractive physical features of a woman.
The majority of right handed individuals were right leg dominant. Of the eight left handed individuals, four were right leg dominant (50%) and the other half were left leg dominant (Table 4). There was no upper or lower limb ambidexterity identified in any participants.
We often think of movement purely in terms of muscles and joints (muscular), but the body is a system and movement is driven by the brain (neuro). There is no dominant leg, just preferred sequences and feet for your specific sport's movements.
We are talking about 'The Quadfather', Tom Platz, who built the best legs in bodybuilding history.
The team found that regardless of the volunteers' own body shape and leg length, people whose legs were 5% longer than average were rated as the most attractive. The next most appealing was an average leg length, or those that were 10% longer than normal.
For men, touching a woman's thigh can be sexually arousing. But it can also be a way of expressing other emotions, like affection, protection, and even fear. Next time a guy grabs your thigh, pay attention to the context and see if you can figure out what he's trying to say.
Longer legs make men more attractive to women because they are perceived to make fitter potential mates, researchers have found. But they must not be too long, just a little longer than average, because being lanky offers males no advantage in dating, the study said.
When a guy does that most of the time it means that they're interested in you. If they do it right in front of you they are hoping you see it because it is basically a gesture that means they want to talk to you or think you're physically attractive.
Men like your long hair for the same reasons they like high heels and dresses; because it looks feminine. Long hair affords the wearer far more variety than shorter styles. You can wear your hair straight and smooth, wild and wavy, half up, half down, pinned, in braids – the options are endless.
For one, long legs are generally seen as a sign of good health and fitness. Additionally, long legs are often considered to be more aesthetically pleasing than shorter legs. Finally, long legs tend to make a woman look taller and more slender, which can be considered attractive by many people.
For the research over 800 heterosexual women were shown a series of computer-generated images of men with slightly different leg and arm lengths. While long arms weren't much of a turn-on, the slightly longer leg was a winner. The leg shouldn't be excessively long, though, just a little bit more than normal.
In round numbers, a thigh circumference (measured where the thigh meets the butt) of about 62 cm (about 24.4 inches) was most protective; bigger thighs provided little if any extra benefit, but progressively thinner thighs were linked to progressively higher risks.
What thigh size is considered skinny? A thigh that measure below 20 inches can be considered as skinny, depending on the age of the person. Grown up men with 19 inches or below thigh size is skinny.
It's official, thick thighs save lives, according to heart experts. A new study has found people with thin legs have a higher risk of suffering heart failure after experiencing a cardiac arrest.