Duolingo French, despite their claims, is best for beginners. It will help users with A1/A2 competency if used as part of a broader learning program. B1/B2 level learners may find Duolingo helpful to test themselves and keep their language circuits firing at opportune moments.
By reaching the end of Unit 5, Duolingo learners have completed all the lessons in the beginner sections of our courses, called A1 and A2, and are starting intermediate B1 material.
However, Duolingo uses English to teach French, and most of the exercises are based on English-French translation and vice-versa. You will first start to learn simple words, one by one, and slowly upgrade to learning sentences. It has a wide range of topics, from greetings to travel and family.
Originally, levels were basically a way of grading you. Again, this either depended on how much XP you had earned in your target language, or how many crowns you had earned. Now, a level on Duolingo is simply a stepping stone. There's no grading involved.
At Duolingo, we're developing our courses to get you to a level called B2, at which you can get a job in the language you're studying. Reaching that kind of proficiency requires dedication, varied practice opportunities, and a lot of time.
Level B2 corresponds to a more advanced, more independent level than previous levels. A B2 user can communicate easily and spontaneously in a clear and detailed manner. This is not yet an experienced speaker, but a B2 user is able to understand and be understood in most situations.
The answer is yes, but mostly in the early stages. Duolingo French can be a game-changer if you've just started your learning journey. The bright, intuitive interface lures beginners in and quickly expands their vocabulary.
Level B2: Basic Fluency
Reaching B2 is generally considered by most people as having basic fluency. You'll have a working vocabulary of around 4000 words.
The world's most popular way to learn French online
Whether you're a beginner starting with the basics or looking to practice your reading, writing, and speaking, Duolingo is scientifically proven to work.
At Duolingo, we use the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) to set goals for different language proficiency levels when we design our courses. The levels are labeled A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2, and they cover increasingly complex language needs.
So, a good Duolingo test score is 110 and above. Anything above 120 is an excellent Duolingo exam score.
The “B” Levels: Independent User
B1 – Threshold (or intermediate): When a user reaches the B level of CEFR, he can: Identify the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly used in work, school, leisure, etc. Can handle travel situations in areas where the language is spoken.
Level B1, which is sometimes referred to as 'Threshold' or 'Breakthrough' stage, is the point at which a French speaker moves away from the most simplistic language usage and is able to cope with most of the situations they are likely to encounter when travelling around a French-speaking country.
Based on this instant analysis of vocabulary level of each word, we can see that it should be relatively easy for a reader with a B2 vocabulary should be able to understand this text without much effort but could be a slight challenge for a B1 level learner.
If B2 is what many consider “fluent,” then C1 is fluency with increased nuance and understanding. At C1, you can understand subtle jokes in the language, and express yourself with colorful native phrases. When you reach C1, you should have a working vocabulary of about 8000 words – almost double that of B2!
How hard is B2 level German? The German language is complex yet highly systematic. For a systematic language, you need a systematic course structure though. If the course material you are using has a thought-out structure, then it shouldn't be difficult.
So, can Duolingo make you fluent? By itself, no. But when used in the right way, I would say it can — but this will depend entirely on your definition of fluency, the quality of your language course, and whether you actually use the language away from Duolingo.
How Many Hours Does 1 Language Take to Complete on Duolingo? Sooooo, on Duolingo French there's 155 modules. At 2.5 hours per module, that's 387.5 hours to complete one language.
To optimize your learning, aim to spend between 15 and 30 minutes on the app each day. If you're struggling to commit a decent amount of time to your learning, try breaking the time up throughout your day. You could spend five minutes practicing in the morning, another five at lunchtime, and five more in the evening.
A B2 level of English would allow you to function in the workplace in English, and indeed, many non-native English speakers in international workplaces have this level of English. A person working in English at a B2 level will, however, lack nuance particularly outside his own field.
As a rough guide, Cambridge exams estimate that each level is reached with the following guided learning hours: A2, 180–200; B1, 350–400; B2, 500–600; C1, 700–800, and C2, 1,000–1,200.