Intelligence, professionalism, conscientiousness, creativity, courage, and perseverance on behalf of your patients are the critical factors, and they outweigh the small differences in dexterity among most medical students. Becoming a good surgeon is a lifelong process.
A surgeon is surrounded by people who are sick, discouraged, afraid, embittered, dying - but also courageous, loving, wise, compassionate and alive.
The hand of the surgeon is hard, but healing.
Great doctors have a personal touch
And you'll need some really important characteristics to do it well. Think compassion, patience, calmness, empathy, respect and reassurance. Health issues, big or small, are always important to the patient and their family and friends.
Analysis showed that surgeons scored significantly higher for conscientiousness, agreeableness, openness and neuroticism than non-surgeons (P < 0.05).
General Surgery
The surgeon establishes the diagnosis and provides the preoperative, operative, and post-operative care to patients and is often responsible for the comprehensive management of the trauma victim and the critically ill patient.
Among the Hippocrates quotes most widely shared on the internet and via social media and memes are 'First do no harm' (often wrongly attributed to the Oath), 'Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food', 'Walking is the best medicine' and 'All diseases begin in the gut'.
The fourth Doctor, played by Tom Baker, tells his would-be assistant: “You know the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common”. “They don't alter their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit their views”.
"People pay the doctor for his trouble; for his kindness they still remain in his debt."
“I can't thank you enough for the special, excellent care you have provided and for the unique gift you are to your patients.” “I am blessed that you are my doc! I have great confidence in you and your abilities” ~ C. “Thank you so much for the great care and surgery you performed on me.
And in these stereotypes, surgeons possess some of the most obvious and culturally salient characteristics. Mostly male, authoritarian and paternalistic, the worst version of the stereotypical surgeon is volatile, insistent, even abusive – and prone to unpredictable outbursts of anger.
General surgeons are often responsible for the comprehensive care of trauma victims and critically ill patients. Surgeons must be capable in nearly all forms of surgery, and they should be able to handle a variety of emergencies and unexpected events in the operating room.
The "wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey" quote is as synonymous with the Tenth Doctor as "allons-y!" and even made a partial reappearance in the Doctor Who 5oth anniversary episode, "The Day Of The Doctor."
The First Doctor's catchphrase:
Come along! Good gracious me! Oh yes, yes, yes, yes! Quite so, quite so!
Not the end of the world. Well, it could be the end of the world, but one thing at a time.
Also, Hippocrates believed that the physician should study anatomy, in particular that of the spine and its relationship to the nervous system, which controls all functions of the body. In addition, he was the first who believed that this observation helps recognize the symptoms of each disease (7).
Life is short, the art long. Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.
Neurosurgeons can directly touch, alter, and enhance the central nervous system. Though it has one of the most difficult lifestyles, as one might be summoned into a hospital at the last minute to save someone's life, it is an intellectually stimulating and fascinating field with an exciting career.
Most hospitals and private practices don't allow surgeons to work over 80 hours a week, including time on-call or researching. Surgeons often have specific days in which they perform scheduled surgeries, while the rest of their time is spent researching and providing emergency care.
Patrick Soon Shiong. Dr. Shiong is known as the best doctor in the world and also one of the richest doctors in the world. He is a South African-American transplant surgeon, billionaire businessman, bioscientist, and media owner.