These include anti-inflammatory medicines, tranexamic acid and the oral contraceptive pill ('the pill'). A hormonal intrauterine device (IUD) placed in the uterus may also lighten bleeding. Sometimes heavy periods are treated with surgery, for example to remove a fibroid or to reduce the lining of the uterus.
Treatment for heavy periods
some types of contraception, such as an intrauterine system (IUS) or the combined contraceptive pill. medicine to help reduce the bleeding, such as tranexamic acid. prescription-only anti-inflammatory painkillers, such as mefenamic acid or naproxen.
If your hormone levels aren't balanced, your body can make the lining too thick, which leads to heavy bleeding when you shed the thicker lining. If you don't ovulate (release an egg from an ovary), this can throw off the hormone balance in your body, too, leading to a thicker lining and a heavier period.
Some types are related to vitamin deficiencies. But a type of anemia that's common with heavy periods is iron deficiency anemia.
An iron supplement to rebuild your body's iron stores. A daily multivitamin that has folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin B-12 and other vitamins to help build red blood cells.
Women who suffer from heavy menstrual periods are more prone to forms of anemia where red blood cells are lost to bleeding. Women with anemia due to blood loss may be left feeling tired, weak, and possibly even out of breath.
Hydration prevents your blood from thickening while alleviating the muscle cramps associated with your monthly flow. Additionally, drinking water can help end your cycle faster. Eight glasses, or 64 ounces per day, really works wonders.
When a girl is standing up, gravity helps blood flow out the vagina. But if she's lying down, blood doesn't flow out as easily, especially on lighter flow days. It's like when you hold a bottle of water upside down: Gravity makes the water pour out much faster than it does when you hold the bottle on its side.
The bleeding tends to be heaviest in the first 2 days – but everyone is different. When your period is at its heaviest, the blood will be red. On lighter days, it may be pink, brown or black. You'll lose about 5 to 12 teaspoons of blood during your period although some women bleed more heavily than this.
Occasional blood clots during your period are perfectly normal. These commonly happen when blood flow increases – an effect of the uterine lining being shed. Blood can coagulate in the uterus or vagina at any time throughout your period, just as it does to seal an open wound on your skin.
Lean meat (red meat or chicken) is an important source of iron and protein, especially for women with heavy periods. Avoid saturated fats such as butter, cream, bacon and potato chips; limit salt and caffeine. Drink more water and herbal teas such as chamomile.
It is hard to define normalcy of number of pads per day. On total, one to seven normal sized pads or tampons per period are normal.
FAQ - Eating Bananas during Periods
And they contain tryptophan, which helps to produce serotonin, a hormone that can make you feel relaxed. The only downside is that bananas can cause bloating if you eat too many of them.
No. Drinking a shot of lemon juice won't delay your period or make it stop. Using a hormonal birth control method is the only way to lighten or control when you get your period: When taking a hormonal birth control method, like the pill, ring, and patch, you have the ability to skip your period.
According to doctors, vitamin C effectively lowers the heavy bleeding from the uterus during periods. This is caused due to the anti-estrogenic properties in vitamin C. So ladies, have food that is enriched with vitamin C.
Iron pills don't make periods lighter, but supplementation is still a sensible idea to replenish the iron stores in the body. Of 236 women treated for heavy menstrual bleeding, one year of iron supplementation increased their hemoglobin levels, reduced anxiety and depression, and improved their daily energy.
Anaemia, a condition caused by low iron levels, can also cause pink period blood. 'Iron is what gives the blood its red colour, and blood may become lighter if iron is low,' explains Dr Rosén.