According to the Department of Defense, you're disqualified from serving in the U.S. military if you have a current diagnosis or a history of most mental disorders. The presence of any disorder with psychotic features, such as schizophrenia or a delusional disorder, does not allow one to serve.
Medical conditions, criminal history, age, physical fitness, and drug abuse can all disqualify you from joining the Army. Other disqualifying factors include failing to meet minimum educational requirements, having a dishonorable discharge from the military, or having a record of mental illness.
There are many specific medical conditions that may disqualify you from joining the U.S. Military. These include conditions like depression, bipolar disorder, epilepsy, heart issues, Asperger's, and PTSD.
Each branch of the military has age limits to enlist in active duty: Air Force: 17 - 39. Army: 17 - 35.
Vacancies are broadly grouped into 'officer' and 'other ranks' categories. You'll need to have completed a minimum level of education equivalent to an Australian Higher School Certificate (Year 12), plus a level of military commissioning training equivalent to that conducted at the Royal Military College – Duntroon.
You do not have to be a U.S. citizen to join the Army, but you do have to live here. You cannot join the military from a foreign country – you must become a permanent U.S. resident, AKA a green-card holder.
Because of the high level of competition and standards needed to join the Australian Defence Force (ADF), the initial examination is intentionally difficult. Each applicant must work hard to prepare and perform at their best and exceed their competition.
Individuals with ADHD need a medical waiver to be able to enlist if they meet these points, with the branches — Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, and Air Force — typically requiring that applicants be off medication for several months and prove that they can function without it to be considered for a waiver.
A Competitive Salary
During basic military training: $49,302 p.a. Recruit during initial employment training: $54,242 - $59,546 p.a. Officer Training (non-degree qualified) : $41,732 - $47,296 p.a. Officer Training (degree qualified): $47,296.
Can individuals be redeployed if they've been diagnosed with anxiety? A diagnosis of anxiety does not automatically preclude a member from deploying provided they have been effectively treated and have been free of symptoms for a specified period of time.
Although the Army wants people from all different backgrounds and experiences, all candidates must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident with a valid Green Card, (officially known as a Permanent Resident Card).
In fact, it's a tremendous asset with significant value. For the average retiring officer (let's say an O5 with 20 years), the military pension amount is valued at well over a million dollars. Did you know that?
Recruits must be 18 (or 17 with parental consent). The maximum age to join most services is 35.
For anxiety disorders (for example, panic disorder), a person cannot enter the armed services if they needed any inpatient care, or outpatient care for more than 12 months cumulatively. They must not have needed any treatment for their anxiety disorder in the past 36 months.
Current DOD accession policy lists ADHD as disqualifying for military applicants if they meet any of the following conditions: ADHD medication prescribed in the previous 24 months, an educational plan or work accommodation after age 14, a history of comorbid mental health disorders, or documentation of adverse academic ...
There's a great argument that the Marine Corps has the hardest military training of anyone, and here's why. Of course, when you reach the top, you can find them becoming SEALs or a part of the Marine Raider Regiment (MRR), but the training of any Marine is some of the hardest military training in the world.
Reasons the Military Won't Accept You
The reasons the Army won't accept you are numerous; they include age and weight restrictions, medical and criminal histories, and even certain tattoos, according to the team at We Are the Mighty. Similar reasons exist for the other branches, as well.
The ideal height requirement for men in the military is between 60-80 inches / 152-203 cm. Anyone above or below this requirement is likely to get rejected. The height limits are standard, and anyone within this height range can get accepted as long as their weight corresponds to the correct weight limit.
According to the U.S. Air Force Medical Standards Directory, Autism Spectrum Disorder is not disqualifying for continued military service unless it is currently--or has a history of--compromising military duty or training.
WAIVER: Normally, unrestricted waiver can be considered although severe cystic acne may dictate service group/aircraft limitation to avoid routine use of either helmet or mask. Candidates with severe cystic acne are CD, no waiver.
Antidepressants are disqualifying for one year after you stop taking them. You must stop with your doctor's advice; do not stop on your own. These medications often have to be reduced slowly to lower side effects and reduce risk of relapse.
The absence of one or both testicles, whether congenital, acquired, or unexplained absence of a testicle is also unacceptable according to military standards.
The average Australian Army salary ranges from approximately $58,522 per year for Truck Driver to $109,227 per year for Chaplain. The average Australian Army daily wage ranges from approximately $162 per day for Combat Engineer to $540 per day for Surgeon.