In contrast, winter is considered the off-season for weddings. Only 11% of weddings took place between December and February last year, making it the least popular season to get married. February is the least popular month for weddings, accounting for just 3% of them in 2022.
March and November are typically the most popular time to get married in Australia. But why? It's actually very obvious, and that's the weather. The least popular months, June and July, are the coldest.
According to a study by, 43% of 2022 weddings took place between September and November. October was the most popular month to get married in 2022, accounting for 20% of all weddings. Fall weddings have become even more popular over the last few years—a trend that will likely continue.
Autumn and spring the time to wed
November (spring) and March (autumn) are the most popular months to get married, each hosting 12% of Australia's yearly marriages.
Friday the 13th
The unluckiest date of the year has questionable origins. Some historians say it comes from the 13 diners who were present at the last supper, but the famous Babylon's Code of Hammurabi doesn't include a 13th law, which suggests this superstition is as old as 1700 BC.
When Is Wedding Off-Season? In contrast, winter is considered the off-season for weddings. Only 11% of weddings took place between December and February last year, making it the least popular season to get married. February is the least popular month for weddings, accounting for just 3% of them in 2022.
In the first month of 2023, couples should look to get married on January 15, 18, 25, 26, 27, or 30. February is also filled with lucky days (including Valentine's Day!). Those looking to get married that month should look to February 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 22, 23, 27, 23, 27, and 28.
From the mid-1970s until 2018 there was a steady and ongoing increase in the median age of men and women at first marriage. This upward trend halted between 2018 and 2020 but continued again in 2021. In 2021 the median age of men was 30.8 years, and women 29.4 years.
“The ideal age to get married, with the least likelihood of divorce in the first five years, is 28 to 32,” says Carrie Krawiec, a marriage and family therapist at Birmingham Maple Clinic in Troy, Michigan. “Called the 'Goldilocks theory,' the idea is that people at this age are not too old and not too young.”
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are cited as better options: "Monday for wealth, Tuesday for health, Wednesday the best day of all, Thursday for losses, Friday for crosses, and Saturday no luck at all."
According to relationship therapist Aimee Hartstein, LCSW, as it turns out, the first year really is the hardest—even if you've already lived together. In fact, it often doesn't matter if you've been together for multiple years, the start of married life is still tricky.
To some, the month of January, all 31 days, has become known as “Divorce Month.” The basic idea is that couples push to end their marriages in the days that immediately follow the New Year.
The third year was found to be the happiest time in a couple's marriage, which the researchers attribute to becoming comfortable within the relationship and starting to plan a family. Couples were also used to sharing finances by their third year together.
Other Popular Wedding Colors
Burgundy, green and light blue followed in terms of popularity, respectively. The least popular wedding color in 2021 was bronze, according to our data.
Couples with an age gap of 1 to 3 years (with the man older than the woman) were the most common and had the greatest levels of satisfaction. Relationship satisfaction decreased slightly for couples with age gaps of 4 to 6 years and continued to decrease for couples with an age gap of 7 or more years.
According to The Knot 2021 Engagement and Jewelry Study, the average relationship length before getting married is two (or more) years. This was true for roughly 70% of the couples surveyed, which means approximately 30% of couples got engaged in less than two years.
The average age of mothers has been rising over time, from 30.0 in 2010 to 30.9 in 2020. Average maternal age has risen for both first-time mothers (from 28.3 years in 2010 to 29.6 in 2020) and those who have given birth previously (from 31.3 years in 2010 to 32.0 in 2020).
Divorce Rates in Australia
The most recent divorce rates stand at 2.2 divorces per 1,000 Australian residents. 56,244 divorces were granted in 2021, with 48,432 involving children. New South Wales had the highest proportion of weddings administered by a minister of religion (25%), rather than a civil celebrant.
In 2020, 49,510 divorces were granted in Australia, an increase of 1.9% from 2019. Since 2000 the divorce rate has decreased from 2.6 divorces granted per 1000 people to 1.9 in 2020 [2]. Divorces are generally only granted after a period of 12 months or more of separation.
A study done in the U.K. showed that May is the luckiest month to be born, and October is the unluckiest. It could have something to do with that optimism, since positive attitudes have been associated with greater resilience.
According to this year's study findings, September 23, 2023, is the most common wedding date of 2023.
May is considered an especially unlucky time to marry. There's an old rhyme that says, marry in the month of May and you'll live to rue the day. So, why is this? In pagan times, May was dedicated to fertility rituals designed to bless the crops.