They hear names with two syllables and initial letters such as “CH, S, SCH, SH or K” better than long dog names. Dog names ending with a vowel (A, E, I, O, U) are also recommended. Put simply, dogs hear names like Charley, Sugar, Colly much better than Knecht-Ruprecht or Jeremy-Pascal.
Even if a pet has had a name for years, if you don't like “Keller”, “Gin,” or “Juice”, the Motley Zoo staff and volunteers tell adopters it's okay to come up with a new name for your new pet. “I feel like 99 percent of the time it's completely okay to rename your pet,” says Thomas.
“Dogs don't have a concept of identity the way we do,” says certified New York dog trainer Renee Payne. “It might be confusing if you change [the name] regularly, but everyone I know calls their dogs several different nicknames. You can always add on; you just want to have some consistency.
One of the things we discussed is a question I am often asked by clients who have rescued a dog that came with a name. “Is it is okay to change the dog's name to something else?” You will be happy to hear that the answer is YES, absolutely, your pet can adjust to a new name, and it's easier than most people think.
If your dog has a calm demeanor and tends to be always at peace, you can either choose a name that directly means “calm” or one that means “serene” or “peaceful.” Great examples of such names are “Milo” and “Tully” for male dogs or “Irene” and “Olive” for female dogs.
Luckily, the answer is likely yes. Read on to learn more about how our pets understand their names, how to tell if your pet recognizes their nicknames, and how you can help your pet to better recognize their names.
But while their short-term memory could maybe use some improving, their long-term memory is impressive, to say the least. Dogs most certainly recognize and remember their owners, even after long absences.
It's never too late to change a dog's name, but the time it takes for your dog's new name to “stick” varies from a couple of training sessions to a few weeks, depending on the dog; the process will go faster if you avoid using the name aimlessly or associating it with anything negative.
Dogs Usually Know Their Owner's Name
In fact, studies have shown that dogs can distinguish between different human voices and can even recognize individual words. So, if you frequently use your dog's name when interacting with them, they are likely to learn and recognize your name as well.
The American Kennel Club says changing owners can be traumatic for dogs. Losing their owners can make dogs stop eating, lose weight, lose interest in physical activity, and exhibit symptoms of canine depression. That's why you must take any decision to re-home dogs seriously.