MEDICATIONS To minimize the risk of blood loss during your surgery, you must avoid or stop taking medications that contain aspirin, that are anti-inflammatory medications, or contain blood thinning agents. These should be discontinued 7-10 days prior to your surgery.
Some Don'ts: Things to Avoid
Avoiding eating and drinking before your surgery. Don't wear makeup to the surgery appointment, and avoid wearing makeup until your ophthalmologist allows it so that you can better prevent infection. Avoid getting irritants in your eyes.
Yes, it is ok to brush your teeth prior to cataract surgery. If you have been asked to fast prior to the surgery, you should use as little water as possible and try to not drink anything during or after brushing your teeth.
While under sedation, there is a chance of stomach acid going into your lungs, which can cause damage. You will need to fast for about 12 hours before surgery to ensure you are safe from this effect.
Researchers have found that medications called alpha-blockers used to treat the symptoms of an enlarged prostate – such as Flomax, Hytrin, Cardura and Uroxatral — can create a risk of complications during cataract surgery.
MEDICATIONS To minimize the risk of blood loss during your surgery, you must avoid or stop taking medications that contain aspirin, that are anti-inflammatory medications, or contain blood thinning agents. These should be discontinued 7-10 days prior to your surgery.
What happens the night before cataract surgery? We ask you not to have anything to eat or drink after midnight on the night before surgery. You may, however, take your regular medications with a sip of water.
Foods to avoid include refined carbohydrates, sugar, salt, and processed foods. People should also avoid tobacco and alcohol, which can slow healing and increase inflammation.
If you are having a general anaesthetic, you must have nothing to eat from 12.00 midnight on the morning of your operation. You may drink clear water only, not fizzy (and no more than a maximum of 500mls), up to 6.00 am and nothing after that. You should not chew chewing gum.
While each person heals differently, many patients report drastically better vision within the first 24 hours of the procedure. Plan on taking one to three days off of work to be sure you have enough time to rest, but it is normal to resume most normal activities within a couple of days.
Remember to thoroughly clean your face and remove all traces of makeup. Don't apply makeup the night before surgery, and even facial creams should be left off of your skin. Basically, make sure that you're coming in with a clean face, with no foreign substances near your eyes.
After your surgery, you may: Bend, stoop over, walk up and down stairs and lift light objects (less than 20-25 pounds). Watch TV, read, sew or do close work as usual. Ride in the car, go to church, dine out.
Immediately after cataract surgery
You will need to have a family member or friend with you to take you home. Once you get home, it is recommended that you rest your eyes and nap. Several hours post-surgery, most people are able to watch some television or look at a computer screen for a short period of time.
Shower (please continue to avoid getting any soap or water in the eyes). Low-maintenance activities: Going to the office or school; reading or writing. Drive short distances, if we have confirmed that you have adequate vision. Work on a computer or watch TV, but keep your eyes well lubricated.
If you have a medical oil called 'Silicone oil; in your eye you should avoid lying flat on your back whilst the oil remains in the eye, this is to reduce the risk of the oil seeping into the front part of the eye causing the eye pressure to become unstable.
Strenuous activity and exercise after cataract surgery
Most people can do very light exercise the day after surgery, including walking. For activities like biking, running, tennis, golf and sex, wait one week after your procedure.
Before and after your LASIK procedure it is advised that you avoid caffeinated drinks, including coffee. Caffeine can cause your eyes to feel dry, which can make it more difficult for you to fully relax during and after the procedure.
Your provider will probably also recommend that you not eat or drink anything after midnight or the morning before the procedure. Do not even drink coffee, tea, or water. If you regularly take prescription medicines, your provider may ask you to take them on the day of surgery with a sip of water.
BEFORE YOU ARRIVE Either the night before or the morning of surgery, you should take a shower with antibacterial soap (such as Dial) and wash your hair with your regular shampoo.
The Don'ts
Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery. This includes water, coffee, gum, or mints. If you do, it may be necessary to cancel your surgery. Do not smoke or use chewing tobacco after midnight the night before your surgery.
Should vitamin D be stopped before surgery? You may not need to stop vitamin D before surgery. Studies have shown that patients with vitamin D deficiency have higher mortality rates after ICU admissions.
Two weeks before your surgical procedure, Dr. Rabach recommends laying off supplements (with a few key exceptions), as taking them increases the risk of bleeding, which could cause complications during surgery and slow the recovery process.