It is estimated that around 30 percent of the population notice eye floaters, yet the impact of this common visual problem on our quality of life remains hugely underestimated. Though floaters may be irritating, they generally become less noticeable overtime, and they should not interfere with your clarity of vision.
Eye floaters are surprisingly common, affecting about 7 out of 10 people. They can show up at any time but for a lot of people they become noticeable after looking at something bright, such as the sun. Blinking often causes them to disappear but if you still notice them, eye floaters are usually harmless.
Most people have floaters that come and go, and they often don't need treatment. But sometimes floaters can be a sign of a more serious eye condition. So if you notice new floaters that appear suddenly and don't go away, it's important to tell your eye doctor.
Everyone can get eye floaters at some point, though most people ignore them. Many may only notice them when they look at a blank, bright surface or area such as the sky. Although they can be distracting at first, most eye floaters tend to settle down to the bottom of the eye, beneath the field of vision.
Typically, eye floaters are a natural result of our eyes aging. Anyone can experience eye floaters at some point in their life, and most of the time they can be easily ignored. They are actually quite a common experience, especially around 30-40 years of age.
If you notice a sudden increase in eye floaters, contact an eye specialist immediately — especially if you also see light flashes or lose your vision. These can be symptoms of an emergency that requires prompt attention.
Do Floaters Ever Go Away? When the vitreous detachment is clean and gradual, any increase in eye floaters usually subsides in one to six months. An occasional floater may appear now and then, but knowing they are harmless, most people learn to live with them.
The first line of treatment for floaters has been, and still is, to live with them. Once you have your retina checked and there is nothing wrong there, the floaters themselves are harmless and will not lead to any further deterioration of your vision, which is why, if at all possible, you should just live with them.
Certain factors make it more likely to develop floaters and flashes: Being nearsighted (myopia) Undergoing cataract surgery. Developing eye inflammation (uveitis)
You might think they've gone away, but that's not true. Floaters are permanent and stay in your eye. Sometimes, they can be a sign of a more serious eye conditions called retinal tears and retinal detachment.
Eye floaters are a very common symptom of anxiety and, in most cases, should not be worried about.
“If you have floaters plus flashes and a loss of side vision, it's an urgent matter and you need to see an eye specialist or go to the emergency room immediately,” Dr. Newman said.
Most eye floaters don't require treatment. However, any medical condition that is the cause of eye floaters, such as bleeding from diabetes or inflammation, should be treated. Eye floaters can be frustrating and adjusting to them can take time.
Many individuals notice some floaters even in their teens and 20s, and people who are nearsighted are particularly likely to have floaters at a younger age. Floaters tend to become more frequent as a person ages.
Eye Floaters & Kids
Eye floaters are more common in adults but can also occur in children. Occasional floaters are usually harmless and will come and go. The cause for concern can arrive if multiple floaters or floaters are accompanied by flashing lights, this can signal a retinal tear or inflammation inside the eye.
Floaters come with age, but young people can experience them as well.
It might sound strange, but floaters are a natural part of the aging of your eyes. They aren't anything to worry about unless they become excessive and/or interfere with your vision. It might be reassuring to know that floaters are always there; you just usually don't notice them in your day-to-day life.
Eye floaters – those little spots, lines, or shapes that flow across your vision – aren't usually a big deal. There's a decent chance everyone will notice some on occasion and, while they can be incredibly annoying, they typically don't signal a major problem.
For many, floaters may begin showing up between 50 and 70 years old. "Vitreous degeneration is accelerated by nearsightedness (myopia), inflammation, trauma and rare inherited abnormalities," adds Dr. Worrall. "Highly nearsighted patients tend to have more floaters than average."
Stay Active Sitting still and doing nothing may cause your mind to register floaters, resulting in obsessive worrying and panic. When you start to feel this way, get up and take a walk, go for a bike ride, play with a pet or talk to a friend; you'll soon notice that the floaters no longer seem as important anymore.
But unlike pollution, there's no harm in learning to ignore floaters. In fact, training your brain to not notice them is an effective and safe way to handle the problem. Most doctors won't operate to remove floaters (by replacing the vitreous fluid) unless your vision is severely compromised.
“Floaters can be distressing for some,” he said. He tells people to wait three months after having an examination to be sure they're safe. “That's about how long it takes the brain to adjust.” Once the brain gets used to the presence of floaters, they are typically not as annoying and don't affect your vision.
Most eye floaters go away over time without treatment, but some can be more persistent. Some eye floaters can disappear within a few weeks, but sometimes they can take up to several months to go away. You may notice that your floaters may get smaller and less noticeable over time.
The floaters often subside starting within a few days, and all but a few settle to the bottom of the eye and disappear within a 6-month period. Some residual floaters can be seen for life.
Research has indicated that stress and anxiety can trigger the formation of floaters in the eyes. Therefore, find ways to manage your stress levels, and you'll improve your eye health. Some stress management techniques include: practicing yoga, meditating, exercising, and spending time in nature.