Personality… sleazy and overbearing, yet quick-witted and knowledgeable about legal loopholes. He's underhanded, dirty, and lies about nearly everything. He pretends to be Jewish for “business” reasons, and claims to have once successfully impersonated Kevin Costner at a party.
Chuck is semi-reclusive and believes that he suffers from electromagnetic hypersensitivity. He was amicably divorced from Rebecca Bois, who was unaware of his EHS, a few years before the events of Better Call Saul.
It's likely that the continual high stress of his lawyer job caused him to slowly slide into a delusional state of mind. His was probably an extreme case of OCD. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, which gradually evolved into full blown psychosis by the time he burned his house down.
Despite displaying several features of antisocial personality disorder (stealing from his family, a history of conning people, and defying authority), he can be compassionate and is guided by an idiosyncratic code of ethics.
Saul's battle against the Ammonites, as well as his last battle against the Philistines at Mount Gilboa, was fraught with difficulty. It is postulated that Saul experienced epileptic-like fits and assumedly suffered from some kind of 'depression' as a result of post-traumatic stress disorder (cf.
Among the most divisive characters on the hit AMC series “Better Call Saul” is Chuck McGill and fans aren't sure what label to put on him. Chuck is a textbook narcissist and is often cold and cruel to his little brother, Jimmy McGill. He resents Jimmy for cheating the system at every turn.
While Chuck's condition is real in the sense that EHS is inspired by real life, it's certainly not real in the traditional sense. Like anti-vaccination and climate change being a hoax, EHS is the result of false information spreading and seizing advantage of those with existing psychological conditions.
Chuck also resented jimmy because of his likeability. Jimmy's big mistake was trying to win his brother's respect. People with big egos and great intellect, often look down on others they deem unworthy.
The sides of his personality — sociopath and family man, scientist and killer, rational being and creature of impulse, entrepreneur and loser — are not necessarily as contradictory as we might have supposed. Or rather, if we insist on supposing that they are, it may be for our own sentimental reasons.
Jimmy McGill - ESFP (The Performer)
Many aspects of Jimmy's personality fit into the description of an ESFP. He is an entertainer, and he has a natural talent for charming and entertaining people.
They're both really intelligent in their own ways. Walt is clearly savvy when it comes to science, chemistry, and problem solving. Saul is privy to political matters, making deals, and he's generally intelligent when it comes to things on 'the street' (I hate using the term 'street smart'…
Jimmy shows an absolute love for his older brother. After all, it was Chuck who helped Jimmy get out of trouble back in Chicago — when Jimmy defecated on top of a car in front of children, Chuck represented him as his lawyer. It was also Chuck who hired Jimmy to work at HHM's mailroom.
Chuck loved Jimmy (as his brother), but thought very little of him and certainly did not admire him. Chuck had graduated from high school at age 14 and according to Hamlin, was the greatest legal mind ever.
Chuck Was Right About Jimmy In Better Call Saul (But He Is Still To Blame) In the end, Better Call Saul proved that Chuck was right – Slippin' Jimmy was and continued to be a danger to himself and others.
Chuck Bass: Antisocial Personality Disorder.
Conversation. Apparently, Chuck's age in the lantern flashback is 14 YEARS OLD according to peter gould in the commentary clips. Chuck & Jimmy's canon birthdays are in 1944 and 1960, making them 16 years apart, so uhhm....
Chuck McGill, Jimmy's brother, is a highly successful attorney and initially portrayed as an upright character with an aversion to electricity due to a rare physical and mental condition. However, as the show progressed, the character developed into an antagonist, leading to his eventual downfall.
Michael Scott - Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) would explain majority of the character, Michael Scott's personality quirks and behavioral oddities which include such things as extreme self-centeredness, attention seeking, fantasy thinking, etc.
“They've always loved each other, but love isn't always the answer,” Gould says. “That's the thing that Kim says in Episode 8. [Jimmy] says, 'But I love you.
The most admirable attribute that Saul has is that despite all the hardships he faces in life, he never fails to get back up and move forward with his life. Throughout the series, viewers have come to accept Saul as he is. He can be unpredictable and erratic, but mostly kind.
Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman
Sure, he might not always use his knowledge in morally acceptable ways, but there's no doubt that he's one of the most intelligent and resourceful characters on the show.
One of the subplots of the show follows Chuck's obsessive compulsive order (OCD), a mental illness where people suffer from intrusive thoughts and compulsions.
"It's not an addiction story in the sense of he's addicted to drugs or alcohol or gambling or sex," Gilligan says. "It occurred to us that Saul's addiction is to the world of outlaws. ... He has an innate understanding of life's less fortunate people—because he's been unfortunate himself, we're going to learn.
Chuck's accomplishments in law were so impressive that they even inspired Jimmy to pursue his own law career, which, as would be revealed over the course of the series, was something Chuck was very unhappy with, always feeling jealous and resentful toward his younger sibling.