As an INTP, Albert tends to be extremely analytical, objective, and logical. Albert is likely to approach interactions with others in a logical way, rather than relying on emotion.
The INTP is one of the rarest of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types, making up only 3-5 percent of the U.S. population. As a result, INTPs are often misunderstood and can easily feel alone in the world.
Bill Gates, Assertive Logician (INTP-A) | 16Personalities. Intuitive (N) and Thinking (T) personality types, known for their rationality, impartiality, and intellectual excellence.
As an INTJ, Elon tends to be confident, analytical, and ambitious. Elon is likely an independent thinker focused on solving the world's problems.
If the conclusions I've drawn are correct, Jesus had preferences for INFJ or perhaps INTJ, INFP or INTP. This might explain why he stood out so much from the crowd, aside from the fact that, for those who believe in him, he was the son of God.
As an ENFJ, Barack tends to be warm, genuine, and empathetic. Barack is generally persuasive and often helps guide people toward a better life.
INFP – Vincent Van Gogh.
As an ISTJ, Jeff tends to be reserved, orderly, and practical. Jeff is likely self-sufficient, hardworking to meet obligations, and prefers to be alone or in small groups of close friends.
One Myers-Briggs® Celebrity INTJ Personality Type is computer programmer, internet entrepreneur, and CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. Examining his life and career shows just how much he personifies the qualities of the Myers-Briggs test INTJ Personality Type.
As an ENTJ, Steve tends to be charismatic, direct, and logical. Steve likely enjoys taking charge, working to achieve goals, and encouraging growth from others.
As an ENFP, Taylor tends to be energetic, adaptable, and inventive. Taylor generally likes to think up new, creative ideas and share them with other people.
Rowling is dedicated to doing what she thinks is right and she strives to make the world a better place. As an INFJ, she is creative, imaginative and empathetic. Despite being an introvert, Rowling is people-oriented and some might mistake her for an extrovert. This is typical for people of the INFJ personality type.
INTP. According to Comen, both INTJs and INTPs are among the smartest, adding that thinking is actually "the primary life goal" for INTPs, as opposed to the key tool. These people are most likely to be engineers and mathematicians, Robledo says.
Some might describe the INTP as the smartest personality type—rational, creative, and ceaselessly curious. Others might describe him as an insufferable know-it-all who can never admit he is wrong. One thing's for sure—the INTP divides opinion.
For women, however, the rarest personality type is INTJ and ENTJ. Just 1% of women type as INTJ and ENTJ respectively. Among women, INFJ is only the third rarest personality type with approximately 2% of women categorized as INFJ. Both INTJ women and ENTJ women are extremely rare in the general population.
Arguably, it would be safe to assume that the average IQ of an INTP would lie somewhere in the range of 100 to 110 IQ points.
Based on an analysis of her observed behavior and motivations, Oprah is an Enneagram Three and an ENFJ personality type.
ENTJ, ISTJ, and INTJ categories have the most billionaires.
People with an Enneagram Type 1 personality tend to be rational, principled, and judicial in their behavior. They usually have a desire for justice and equality. They are motivated by a strong sense of right and wrong.
As an ENFP, Justin tends to be energetic, adaptable, and inventive. Justin generally likes to think up new, creative ideas and share them with other people.
Mandela's personality clearly leans towards the introverted-intuitive-feeling-judging (INFJ) classification. INFJ is one of the 16 personalities identified on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), an assessment model, based on Carl Jung's theories that was developed in the 1940s.
Elon Musk is an INTJ personality type.
Johnny Depp is an INFP personality type. He brings an experimental attitude to life, exploring a variety of ideas, lifestyles, and experiences. Typically building wealth or collecting material goods is rarely high on an INFPs' priority list and they feel a strong need to pursue a life path that is meaningful to them.
Which personality type was John Lennon? John Lennon was an ENFP personality type. Warm and outgoing, he had an active social life, but he had a deeper side too that wasn't always obvious at first. As an ENFP, John was a unique mixture of being people-oriented but also introspective.
The ISFP is probably the most artistic of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types. Although they aren't necessarily out painting masterpieces (though many of them could), they enjoy challenging the status quo with their experiments in design and behavior.