Sheev Palpatine was an unhealthy INTJ personality type. He was convinced that he was right and was closed-minded to other points of view, no matter how they were presented to him. Carrying a certain arrogance, it's clear that he thought he was better than everyone else.
Even the fact that Anakin, and Darth Vader, looks like an introvert to many people is also consistent with an ENTJ type. They're widely considered the most “introverted extroverts” because they don't usually focus their extroversion on people or socializing.
Obi-Wan Kenobi was an INFJ personality type. He was a creative idealist with a strong sense of personal integrity and a drive to help others. Obi-Wan Kenobi was a great listener and, as an INFJ, he preferred one-on-one situations rather than group activities.
Anakin was very emotional and unlike most of the Jedi he wasn't that good at controlling those emotions whether it be love, hate or something between them. Unlike most of the Jedi Anakin was very rash.
Apparently, he had borderline personality disorder. As he came of age, Skywalker showed problems with impulsivity, violent outburst, illusions of invincibility and crises of identity, all of which are in line with borderline personality disorder diagnosis, the researchers concluded.
Abstract. Anakin Skywalker, one of the main characters in the "Star Wars" films, meets the criteria for borderline personality disorder (BPD).
As an INFP personality type, Kylo Ren's best matches were ENTJ and ENFJ.
Personality… hot-headed, conflicted, and erratic. Kylo Ren is filled with a great deal of rage and angst, making him unstable. That lack of stability, though, when paired with his powerful use of the Force, makes him a dangerous and formidable foe.
Author's Note: Yoda is more commonly typed as INTP; some think that his ability to think objectively marks Ti as his dominant function, while his exclusion of certain emotions from what is acceptable means that Fe is his inferior function.
Leia Organa – ESTJ
Princess-General Leia Organa is a brilliant leader whether it's in the halls of diplomacy or on the battlefield. She's a take-charge sort of person who is fiercely loyal to family and values, and expects the same level of commitment from others who choose to fight alongside her.
A recent study found that Anakin Skywalker's turn to the dark side was the result of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).
Lucius Malfoy - ISFJ
Lucius is kind of the Malfoy prime. Everything we think about their family (their prejudice, family pride, or craftiness) comes to a head in the father of Draco.
ISTP – Darth Maul
He's is considered one of the most knowledgeable Sith Lords in Star Wars history. He keeps this knowledge inside and then uses it at the opportune time to defeat his opponents. He effectively demonstrates how Introverted Thinking and Extraverted Sensing can be a lethal combination.
As an Enneagram Eight, Darth Maul is bold, direct, and assertive. However, he takes these traits to the extreme and comes across as domineering. Unhealthy Enneagram Eights tend to be confrontational for the sake of it, as well as purposefully intimidating.
As an ISTP, Han Solo has enough introspection to know himself well, but because he gathers information via his senses, he tunes into Leia, at this point at least an object of his curiosity, and understands her attraction to him.
His logical, thinking side doesn't make him an dominant Thinking type — he's just an example of an INFJ with well developed tertiary Ti.
Although a grown man, he throws destructive temper tantrums. Many mental health practitioners like Adam Smith (The Cantina Cast episode 115) suggest that he may have borderline personality disorder, that chaotic condition defined by poorly formed personality with erratic, unstable traits.
Anakin Skywalker is an ESFP personality type. He is sociable and loves being in the spotlight. As an ESFP, he brings fun and entertainment to even the dullest of situations.
If the conclusions I've drawn are correct, Jesus had preferences for INFJ or perhaps INTJ, INFP or INTP. This might explain why he stood out so much from the crowd, aside from the fact that, for those who believe in him, he was the son of God.
Yoda embodies the INTP personality type.
At least partially, Padmé is experiencing a kind of Stockholm Syndrome or more specifically, the idea of equating affection with crime, a disorder known as hybristophilia. Anakin confesses his crime of killing the Sand People to Padmé, and later, she totally tells him she loves him.
Carolyn Kaufman, clinical psychologist in Columbus, Ohio, added that Anakin also suffered from histrionic personality disorder and bipolar disorder, the latter characterized by intense mood swings, with Anakin displaying symptoms of both depression and mania (this one often displayed as irritability rather than the ...
Darth Vader suffers from post-traumatic stress syndrome, according to the duo. Vader spent most of his childhood as a slave, so he has grown into adult detached from the society, who often projects his own negative feelings onto others.