Cacophobia is an intense fear of ugliness. People with this anxiety disorder may fear becoming ugly. Or they might have symptoms of panic and anxiety when they think about or see something ugly.
Catoptrophobia is an extreme and overwhelming fear of mirrors. Although this is a relatively unknown phobia, with few diagnoses in the UK, a phobia of mirrors can be extremely debilitating and have a significant impact on someone's day-to-day life and their well-being.
1. Arachibutyrophobia (Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth) Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. While the phenomenon has happened to everyone at one point or another, people with arachibutyrophobia are extremely afraid of it.
This condition is very rare, but it can also be quite serious. 1 Like other phobias, spectrophobia can disrupt all aspects of an individual's life and lead to avoidance behaviors. Experiencing symptoms of spectrophobia can be incredibly debilitating and can impact one's overall quality of life.
1. a strong dislike or fear of meat. If you suffer from carnophobia, I suggest you stay away from our Sunday cook-out at Rebecca's.
Eisoptrophobia is a rare phobia, that causes sufferers to be irrationally fearful of mirrors or seeing themselves in a mirror. Those with this phobia present some of the following symptoms or reactions: Anxiety.
People who have ephebiphobia (pronounced “efee-bi-FO-bee-ah”) have an extreme fear of adolescents or teenagers. The word comes from a combination of two Greek words: “ephebos,” meaning youth or adolescence, and “phobos,” which means fear.
Chinese traditional beliefs also states that working women are particularly susceptible to frigophobia, triggered by a combination of stress, menopause, pregnancy and other disorders such as anemia. During winter, these women are likely to experience coldness in extremities and back pains caused by the disorder.
Panophobia or the fear of everything phobia might sound bizarre, but it does exist in the list of non-specific phobias. It is known by other names like Omniphobia or Pantophobia. Panto stands for 'all or everything' in the Greek language.
1. Arachnophobia – The fear of spiders. Nearly 30.5% of Arachnophobia sufferers (the excessive fear of spiders or other arachnids like scorpions) are living in the United States alone. It is one of the most common animal phobias around the world.
Symptoms of Kainotophobia:
The symptoms typically include extreme anxiety, dread and anything associated with panic such as shortness of breath, rapid breathing, irregular heartbeat, sweating, excessive sweating, nausea, dry mouth, nausea, inability to articulate words or sentences, dry mouth and shaking.
1. a strong dislike or fear of bicycles. Riding a bike is fun and exhilarating for most of us but can be extremely scary for one who has cyclophobia or the irrational and persistent fear of bicycles.
Similar to other phobias, Logophobia has no recognised cause. This phobia can occur because of numerous factors such as genetics or the environment that includes experience or social learning. In this case, genetics means genes and the neurotransmitters present in our body.
Diokophobia (Pronounced DEE-Oh-Koh POH-Bee-Uh) is the irrational and extreme fear of being chased. It is the action of being chased by someone or something that frightens you, perhaps to the point of freezing, curling up defensively, or lashing out (verbally or physically).
Phonophobia¹, also known as ligyrophobia or sonophobia, is a very rare condition defined as a persistent, abnormal, and unwarranted fear of sound.
Achluophobia is common and is not due to the dark itself, but it is commonly due to the imagined dangers of the darkness.
How common is phobophobia? It's hard knowing exactly how many people have a specific phobia, like phobophobia, but it's rare. We do know that about 1 in 10 American adults and 1 in 5 teenagers will deal with a specific phobia disorder at some point in their lives, though.
How Common is Apeirophobia? Apeirophobia is very rare. Even on sites like Reddit, where you can connect with anyone, there are very few people that are seeking help for apierophobia. And while it's not the most common fear, the study of apeirophobia may offer insight into some larger theories in psychology.
Fear of blood (hemophobia), injections (trypanophobia), needles or other sharp objects (belonephobia), or injury (traumatophobia) occurs to some degree in at least 5% of the population.
How common is somniphobia? Experts don't know exactly how many people experience somniphobia. Research does show that more than 40 million adults in the United States have a chronic sleep disorder. And more than 12% of adults in the U.S. have a specific phobia.