Home treatments to settle an upset stomach may include consuming small amounts of clear liquids, drinking plenty of fluids, small sips of water or sucking on ice chips, sports drinks, clear sodas, diluted juices, clear soup broth or bouillon, popsicles, caffeine-free tea, and the BRAT diet.
The acronym “BRAT” stands for bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. These bland foods are gentle on the stomach, so they might help prevent further stomach upset.
Some people with chronic stomach discomfort are more sensitive to certain foods like dairy, spicy foods, soda, fried foods or alcohol. These foods can relax the muscle that keeps food from traveling backward, increase stomach acid production or keep the stomach full for too long.
An upset stomach typically goes away on its own within 48 hours. Sometimes stomach pain indicates a more serious health problem, however. Know when to speak to a healthcare professional for stomach pain. Speak to a medical professional if your symptoms do not go away after a day or two.
In addition to other symptoms (like fever, dry cough, and shortness of breath), stomach upset can be a hallmark sign of COVID-19. An estimated 1 in 5 people who tested positive for COVID-19 had at least one gastrointestinal symptom, such as diarrhea, vomiting, or belly pain.
Take over-the-counter pain relief
Over-the-counter pain relief like paracetamol and ibuprofen will rarely help ease diarrhoea or sickness, but it can help treat other symptoms, such as stomach ache, fever and aches and pains.
Ginger is available as extracts, tinctures, lozenges, supplements, and teas, but can also be used raw to relieve digestive symptoms. Some people will use the raw root to make ginger tea, while others chew on slivers of fresh peeled ginger to help ease nausea.
Common upset stomach medicines
Pepto-Bismol (bismuth subsalicylate) Mylanta (aluminum hydroxide/magnesium hydroxide/simethicone) Emetrol (phosphorated carbohydrate) Tums (calcium carbonate)
Pepto-Bismol (bismuth subsalicylate) Other brand names: Pepti-Calm. Find out how Pepto-Bismol treats heartburn and acid reflux, indigestion, diarrhoea and feeling sick, and how to take it.
Some of the most common causes include food sensitivities, bacterial or viral infections, and medication or alcohol use. It may also result from stress or chronic conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Gastrointestinal Link
COVID-19 is well known for causing respiratory issues, but researchers think the virus may also harm the digestive tract and liver tissue. In fact, up to 34% of those who get COVID-19 experience diarrhea, lasting an average of five days.
Common causes of indigestion include: Overeating or eating too quickly. Fatty, greasy or spicy foods. Too much caffeine, alcohol, chocolate or carbonated beverages.
In some cases, the digestive symptom, particularly diarrhea, can be the initial presentation of COVID-19 and may only later (or never) present with respiratory symptoms.
Yoghurt is rich in probiotics or good bacteria and yeasts that help maintain good gut health. Having a little yoghurt during a stomach upset may help relieve diarrhoea.
Evidence suggests honey might help relieve gastrointestinal tract conditions such as diarrhea associated with gastroenteritis. Honey might also be effective as part of oral rehydration therapy.
The answer depends on why your stomach is aching. If it's an excess of acid that's causing inflammation in the oesophagus or stomach, then milk may help. That's because milk coats the lining and buffers the acid inside your stomach. Milk can also help to quell the burning sensation of spicy foods like chilli.
FOODS TO AVOID: non-cultured dairy products (milk, cheese, ice cream,) spicy, greasy or fatty foods, whole grains, raw vegetables, alcohol, caffeine. It may take several days to one week to regain your appetite, energy level, and for bowels to be normal again.
Chocolate and caffeine
One of the main reasons caffeine and chocolate (which may contain caffeine) are irritating to an already-upset tummy is that, like peppermint tea, they relax the lower esophageal sphincter, which allows acid reflux. Caffeine can also loosen stools, which isn't good if you already have diarrhea.
Foods high in starch — such as saltines, bread, and toast — help absorb gastric acid and settle a queasy stomach.
Overeating or eating too quickly. Fatty, greasy or spicy foods. Too much caffeine, alcohol, chocolate or carbonated beverages. Smoking.
If you experience stomach pains on a regular basis, you may have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). IBS is a common condition and can cause cramping, bloating, gas, diarrhea and/or constipation. IBS is a chronic condition that needs long-term management. Managing diet and stress can help keep your symptoms under control.