Warning signs alert you that there may be dangers or changed road conditions ahead. The signs are usually diamond-shaped with pictures, diagrams, symbols or words in black on a yellow background. These are some of the most common warning signs.
While warning traffic sign designs vary, they usually take the shape of an equilateral triangle with a white background and thick red border.
Square/rectangle: These are a popular and classic sign shape, and because of this the type of messaging on them is more flexible. Though they can include many messages, they are often designated for regulatory or guide signs.
Overview of Rectangles, Squares, Circles and Triangles
As you can see, these four basic shapes can be found everywhere.
Rectangular signs are good for fewer words. Outdoor signs that are perfect squares are useful when you want to include several lines of text. Want to use a more unique shape? Circles and ovals are also fairly common.
As mandated by the MUTCD, the points on triangular or diamond-shaped signs are similarly used to indicate warning and danger, and reflect instability and conflict. These signs are usually bright yellow or red, for visibility and to highlight the blatant nature of the shape.
Health and Safety Signs & Their Meanings
Commonly seen when using hazardous chemicals, a warning sign is triangular in shape. Over 50% of the sign must be yellow or amber with a thick black edge and a clear pictogram of the hazard, often referred to as hazard signs.
Yield. Yield right of way signs are triangular and have a red border on a white background. A yield sign means you must reduce speed when approaching an intersection. Give right of way and stop if necessary if any other traffic is in, or closely approaching, the intersection.
These 4 important safety signs can be broken into categories: Prohibition, Warning, Mandatory and Emergency.
EXCEPTION: While most triangular signs are warnings, not all warnings are triangular. Red rectangles contain warnings, too – so watch out for these particularly if you're in an area you don't know well.
Red = Danger. OSHA recommends danger signs or tags be red or predominantly red, with lettering or symbols in a contrasting color (usually white against the red background). Red warns of a hazard that could cause serious injury or death. Yellow = Caution.
Mandatory signs are blue, prohibition and fire safety signs are red, warning signs are yellow, and first aid and emergency exit signs are green.
Circles are orders or positive information. Triangles are warnings and finally, rectangles are information. When we look at lights they help control the flow of traffic.
There are seven basic shapes of signs, each with a special purpose. Other shapes may be used for special purposes. For example, various shields may be used as route markers, while two crossed panels may be found at railroad crossings. This eight-sided red sign means STOP.
The Importance of Colors and Shapes in Traffic and Road Signs Standard colors and forms of sign boards can be used to streamline traffic flow and communicate effectively with the traffic environment. Colors may reveal as much about a sign's meaning as the complete sign.
The truth is blue is the most popular color, being preferred by more than 35% of world's population which basically means that every 4 people in a group of ten favor blue over any other color.
Because it is the brightest color to the human eye, yellow is frequently used for warning signs or to designate areas in which caution should be taken.
Signs are divided into three basic categories: Regulatory, Warning, and Guide signs. Most signs within each category have a special shape and color.
Symbolic (arbitrary) signs: signs where the relation between signifier and signified is purely conventional and culturally specific, e.g., most words. Iconic signs: signs where the signifier resembles the signified, e.g., a picture.