Be vulnerable with him.
Get his attention by showing him who you really are. Be honest about your interests and passions, and don't be afraid to reveal your quirks. He'll start to miss being around such a unique individual, and he'll be drawn to spend time with someone who is so comfortable with themselves.
They are often short-tempered people who can be angered easily so choose your words carefully while talking to them. 'The Bull' is extremely possessive of his belongings. Their possessiveness often takes the form of jealousy and can make them react in ways that aren't acceptable.
They truly enjoy being outdoors—even if it's just hanging with the guys out on the porch of the sports bar. Give him a few creature comforts, a couple of cool gadgets, and a guilty pleasure or two and he's good to go. Although he's a "man's man," Taurus is ruled by Venus, so expressions of beauty appeal to him.
Your Taurus FWB is going to be all about pleasing you, bb! Um, highly recommend. The thing about Taureans is that they are sensual, romantic, and extremely intimate—and they often prefer connections with someone they care for over random encounters.
Things not to do with a Taurus man
Be careful about frittering away money in front of him because he won t appreciate this trait in you. He is also stubborn and won t like to lose an argument, you might have to be the one who backs down more often than you d like for an easy life.
The Bull fears being artistically blocked because it makes them feel insecure. The inability to manufacture beauty scares Taurus so much that they will resort to any method possible to keep their creativeness flowing and pouring out of them.
Taurus: The Most Possessive
Taureans are inflexible, becoming too stubborn when things don't go their own way. Adding your materialistic nature, your version to change makes you possessive leading to problems in your relationships.
Wearing a sexy perfume or cologne is a good way to attract a Taurus, particularly if the scent is something sweet, like vanilla. Plus, there's your natural pheromones. Taureans also love touching their partners and being touched, so they enjoy massages, cuddling, and dancing.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)
A Taurus man will be turned off if someone is demanding and dominating. If you try to make them do something or be something they don't want to do, they're going to give you some major pushback and will probably leave you.
So what's a Taurus looking for in a relationship? Simply put, Taurus loves to be in love. From candlelit dinners to long-stem roses, couples massages to long walks on the beach, this earth sign is enthralled by romance.
Taureans don't play mind games for their own work. But they do that to judge others and understand their intentions. They will first give you an opportunity to see your reaction to it and then they will get along with you according to that.
High Taurus Compatibility: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn. The list of Taurus' compatible signs is long, despite this star sign's bullheaded nature. These high Taurus-compatible signs include Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn.
Taurus: neck, shoulders.
Taurus. Neck, throat, shoulders, ears. Gemini.
Insecurity: As a Taurus you're stable and grounded, and you don't want to spend your time constantly reassuring someone that you love them when you've already made that very clear. You don't have time for insecurity in your relationships. Someone who constantly needs change: You don't do well with change.
“Taurus fears poverty or the inability to pursue their life's goals and dreams,” Perrakis says.
They're honest and reliable as pals. Taurus natives are polite, trustworthy, and meticulous in their work life. When they're given a task, they'll focus on it with laser-like precision until it's completed.
Taurus loves their comfort and stability, anything that interrupts this makes them scared. A Taurus loves finer things in life which comes from financial stability. Nothing scares them more than financial instability.
Sensual Taurus men are masters of foreplay, so don't jump straight to the sex part. To really drive your man wild, start with slow, gentle caresses and take your time exploring his body with kisses. He'll love to watch you undress slowly, as well, since Taurus guys are very turned on by visual displays.
One of the signs a Taurus guy likes you is that he will offer to give your home a little tender loving care. He isn't afraid of hard work and labor and likes to work with his hands. If you let him get the work done around the house, it tells him that you trust and like him too.
He has a way of being thoughtful and sweet to someone he loves. Since his sign is ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, he'll notice a new outfit you're wearing, or point out that he likes the new way you're styling your hair. He'll also point out personality traits that he likes about you.