Foods rich in protein — lean beef, pork, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, nuts, soy, and low-fat dairy products — can have beneficial effects on ADHD symptoms. Protein-rich foods are used by the body to make neurotransmitters, the chemicals released by brain cells to communicate with each other.
Foods that are super crunchy – think carrot sticks, nuts, and now, these crunchy chips are meant to waken up a child's senses, making them more attentive. These are on the sweet side and serve as a bit of a treat, too. Bare also makes apple chips, which are just as delicious!
Many diets lack omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential and research shows can help people improve their ADHD symptoms. You can increase omega-3 fatty acids by adding tuna, salmon, other cold-water white fish, walnuts, Brazil nuts, chia seeds, flax seeds, and olive and canola oil in your diet.
Several healthy salty snacks like baked chips, pretzels, and whole-wheat crackers can satisfy your child's taste and appetite for savory and crunchy foods. Instead of regular popcorn, you opt for hot-air popcorn.
Sugar and other high carb foods boost dopamine levels in the brain, leading us to crave them more often when dopamine levels are low. Since children with ADHD have chronically low levels of dopamine, they are more likely than other children to crave and eat sugary or carbohydrate-heavy foods.
There's also evidence that people with ADHD tend to gravitate toward junk foods, especially food that is high in sugar. This may be because high-sugar foods stimulate the release of dopamine. People with ADHD have lower levels of dopamine. As such, they may be more “wired” to seek dopamine out.
Some of the common foods that can cause ADHD reactions include milk, chocolate, soy, wheat, eggs, beans, corn, tomatoes, grapes, and oranges. If you suspect a food sensitivity may be contributing to your child's ADHD symptoms, talk to your ADHD dietitian or doctor about trying an elimination diet.
Foods rich in protein — lean beef, pork, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, nuts, soy, and low-fat dairy products — may have beneficial effects on ADHD symptoms. Protein-rich foods are used by the brain to make neurotransmitters — chemicals that help brain cells talk with each other.
Kids with ADHD are also advised to consume foods rich in zinc and magnesium. Both of these minerals are essential in bettering ADHD symptoms. Bananas are another great source of zinc and magnesium. They are also a great evening snack.
Here are the other foods that you need to be wary of while eating: Processed foods: These are usually high in sugar and artificial additives, which can further trigger our ADHD symptoms. Junk food: This is usually high in fat and calories and has artificial coloring, which can make us more hyperactive and impulsive.
For kids with ADHD — and all other kids, too — snacks should contain protein, which helps with memory and learning, Mangieri says. One classic idea: peanut butter (an excellent source of protein) on whole-wheat bread (for fiber).
Restlessness and fidgety behavior associated with ADHD can be reduced by taking exercise breaks. Walking and running, and activities like yoga or meditation that incorporate deep breathing and mindfulness can be beneficial and induce relaxation and calm.
Whether they take medication or not, your child may benefit from these five natural remedies for ADHD: proper nutrition, brain-boosting supplements, physical exercise, adequate sleep, and limited screen time.
Games are a great way to help kids with ADHD focus their energy in a way that can help entertain them while building valuable skills. Memory games or word puzzles can be a good option for some kids or even an active game like musical chairs. Other fun activities to try include: Indoor scavenger hunt.
Processing verbal information presents challenges for individuals with ADHD. Children with this condition often miss important facts while conversing because their brains can't filter out external distractions. This can cause them to misinterpret the situation and become confused or reactive.
Help kids understand that having ADHD is not their fault, and that they can learn ways to improve the problems it causes. Spend special time together every day. Make time to talk and enjoy relaxing, fun activities with your child — even if it's just for a few minutes. Give your child your full attention.
For some people with ADHD, mild stimulants such as caffeine and theobromine (a bitter chemical from the cocoa plant and present in chocolate) have similar effects to the more powerful drugs commonly used in treating the disorder.
People with ADHD may compulsively seek high-dopamine activities and stimulus to turn their brains on, which is why people with ADHD can be more likely to engage in impulsive and risky behaviors. Anything that triggers a strong burst of dopamine in the brain may be sought after by an individual.
Zinc-rich foods: Zinc helps in reducing the hyperactivity, restlessness, impulsivity, and irritability. Foods that are rich in zinc are seeds, potatoes, legumes, and eggs. So, include them in the diet of kids with ADHD.
Chocolate contains a key compound called tryamine, which is derived from the amino acid tyrosine. Tyrosine is the amino acid precursor to dopamine (Roizman). With increased tyrosine levels comes increased dopamine levels, which results in the activation of the reward center in the brain.