It is a psychological condition where a person struggles to engage with other people socially. People with sociopathy are called sociopaths. These individuals have the capability to form relationships but ignore social norms. They have little to no conscience, lack empathy, and are self-centered.
On this page you'll find 88 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to unsympathetic, such as: aloof, apathetic, callous, cruel, disinterested, and indifferent.
Thomas admits that sociopaths can be dangerous; they're hungry for power, and they don't feel guilt or remorse. But they're not inherently evil, and some are highly productive members of society.
If we are to find an extreme case of someone who couldn't be empathetic, it'd be someone who suffers from sociopathy, and while people often have the notion that sociopaths are violent criminals, sociopaths (someone who suffers from antisocial personality disorder) have a mental health disorder characterized by ...
"Narcissists, psychopaths, and sociopaths do not have a sense of empathy," she told Business Insider. "They do not and will not develop a sense of empathy, so they can never really love anyone." This doesn't change when they have children.
Referring to antisocial personality disorder as the present-day iteration of psychopathy, the APA states that antisocial personality disorder may be accompanied by a depressed mood. It further states that antisocial personality disorder can co-exist with depressive disorders, including major depression.
Both terms refer to people who have antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). Those with ASPD have no regard for others' rights or feelings, lack empathy and remorse for wrongdoings, and have the need to exploit and manipulate others for personal gain. Nature and nurture play a role in ASPD.
High-functioning sociopath traits include: Superior intelligence – high-functioning sociopaths are often very smart and have very high IQs. Impeccable social skills – they are charming, and although they don't enjoy being around people, they may come across as friendly and outgoing.
The disorder is characterized by a history of conduct problems as a child, a lack of moral or ethical development, an inability to follow approved models of behavior, deceitfulness, and the shameless manipulation of others.
Some people, known as dark empaths, understand the feelings of others but don't feel these feelings themselves. They might act like they care, but deep down, they don't feel sympathy for you or have a desire to help. They use their understanding of your feelings to manipulate you.
Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is associated with an assortment of characteristics that undermine interpersonal functioning. A lack of empathy is often cited as the primary distinguishing feature of NPD.
Hyper-empathy is the innate ability to be completely connected and in-tune with another's emotions and, subsequently, on high alert towards negative feelings.
Some believe that it is fun to torture others, or that it makes the sociopath in some way "superior." Sociopaths are often highly-functioning people, yet many lie so pathologically that they do not even know when their deception took over.
What Is Antisocial Personality Disorder? If you have ASPD, you may act in ways that go against socially acceptable standards. You may break laws and feel little or no guilt when you do something wrong. This condition usually develops in childhood, but you can't get a diagnosis until you're 18 or older.
There is no cure for antisocial personality disorder. People generally manage the condition throughout their lives. But medication and therapy can help you cope with certain aspects of the disorder. The right treatment may help you adjust your behavior and reduce harm to those around you.
When can sociopaths be happier? A sociopath can sometimes be happy when others simply can't, because they don't have feelings of remorse or guilt. These particular emotions usually don't make us feel happy right away. So in theory, the complete lack of these emotions can result in more happiness.
Do sociopaths have any feelings? Yes, people living with antisocial personality disorder experience feelings and emotions. “These [emotions] may include anger, anxiety, depression, and even fear,” says Hong.
But in fact, this construct of sociopathy is a spectrum, and there are many high functioning individuals, often men, but not always, who are sociopaths.
They have low self-esteem
This is one of the sociopath's weakness. This is often masked with a high sense of self-importance but it can be used against them. If you can make them feel insecure or inferior, they will likely back down.
However, people who are sociopaths use excessive charm to manipulate others into believing they are good guys," Beverly Hills sex and relationship psychotherapist Dr. Fran Walfish tells Bustle. "They use their slippery ... charm to weave a false sense of safety and trap their victims into trusting them."
While sociopath path traits can include persuasiveness or charm, most people with the disorder will struggle with irresponsibility. They're less likely to take advantage of employment opportunities, less likely to pay bills on time, and are at high risk of incarceration due to impulsive behaviors.
Contrary to popular belief, most sociopaths are not violent. They go to work, pay their taxes, and raise a family. Genetic and possible neurological difference have been identified, making this group neurodivergent.
Background: People with psychopathic personality traits have been shown to have low rates of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).