The Boston accent ranks among the “smartest sounding” accents in America, according to a new survey. The Boston accent ranks among the “smartest sounding” accents in America, according to a new survey. This is probably the best evidence around on how unreliable surveys/polls can be.
The most liked foreign accents
Of foreign accents, the British accent is the #1 most liked, chosen by 69% of respondents. In addition to being the general favorite, it also ranked among the sexiest and most intelligent.
In our recent poll of the sexiest accents in the world, the Australian accent came in at No. 5. We wanted to delve a little deeper into exactly what it is that people love so much about it, and why it makes people go weak at the knees when hearing it.
The results revealed that women and men find different accents attractive, and the only common accents on both lists were Australian and Southern. While men desired Israeli and Colombian accents the most, this was not mirrored amongst the women who were surveyed, who ultimately preferred British and Spanish accents.
Accordingly, we asked people what the most and least pleasant accent to listen to is. Overwhelmingly, people like the Southern accent best, followed by British and Australian accents. Southern accents tend to be thought of as friendly and welcoming, while British and Australian accents are more exotic.
According to a Big 7 Travel survey, the accent found among New Jerseyans has the least sex appeal compared to the state accents. "Poor New Jersey dropped down one place from 2019 to end up in the last spot this year, making it the least sexy accent in America.
The French accent, previously considered the sexiest in the world, has been dethroned by the British accent, aka the Queen's English, in a global study carried out by Time Out in over 30 countries. Sacrebleu! The French accent has lost the first spot as the world's sexiest accent to Queen's English.
The Australian accent is often described as a 'lazy' form of English.
The New Zealand vowel system has undergone what linguists consider a “shift” in pronunciation. This means that a letter, such as “e”, no longer has the same pronunciation that the rest of the English world uses. For example: “Test” in New Zealand is pronounced as “Tist” = /e/ has become /i/.
A very broad Australian accent can be exceptionally hard to understand (a common joke is that we slur all our words together because it's too hot to put spaces in), but if you spend time in Australia you'll likely pick it up.
This practice is known as ADHD masking and is especially common in women with ADHD. One type of ADHD masking — known as mirroring — involves intentionally or unintentionally mimicking the speech, movements, or behaviors of someone else.
Geordie. People from Newcastle speak a dialect called Geordie, which is one of the strongest and most distinctive accents in England.
Preply, a Brookline-based online language learning platform, took a survey of more than 1,700 people across the country on the most loved and hated accents. The Boston accent came out on top as the most annoying, followed by the Midwestern accent.
The idea that there is one accent that is the most neutrally American has been around for a long time, and it is usually called “General American.” The term was coined in 1925 by the descriptive linguist George Philip Krapp as a way to describe the accent he thought was becoming the norm in the United States.
So, what do Aussies think of American accents to be exact? The answer is- many have stated, they find American English to be more forced and stylized than necessary. As Australian English adheres to British pronunciation rules, the American accent appears to be more dominated by its clear “R” sound to Australians.
The researchers found that the three funniest accents - Brummie, Scouse and Geordie - were also deemed to be the least intelligent.
Australian English often contains higher levels of nasal resonance to oral resonance. Resonance refers to voice acoustics and is determined by where the bulk of sound vibration from the voice is reinforced in the your face.
Australian English is most similar to British English in spelling and sentence construction, although its accent and vocabulary are very distinct from the UK.
Strine, also spelled Stryne /ˈstraɪn/, describes a broad accent of Australian English.
(Noun) An uncouth or uncultured person, usually. See also: feral, ratbag, reptile, bevan etc. “I can't understand that bogan's broad Australian accent.”