Vision clears quickly, and complete healing takes about eight weeks. Any strenuous activity, including exercise, should be put on hold for at least a week. You can go back to activities, such as walking, running, and bike riding usually a week after cataract surgery.
Most people can resume normal activities within days or weeks. But it can take up to a year for your eyes to feel completely normal.
You can read or watch TV right away, but things may look blurry. Most people are able to return to work or their normal routine in 1 to 3 days. After your eye heals, you may still need to wear glasses, especially for reading. This care sheet gives you a general idea about how long it will take for you to recover.
The eye needs to rest and not be under pressure. This involves not swimming for two weeks, not engaging in any heavy lifting for two weeks and not undertaking any strenuous exercise for 1 month. Also, limit the number of times you bend over to minimise any strain on the eye.
“High eye pressure can interfere with the incision before it fully heals,” says Eghrari. “Positions that put your head below your waist, such as bending over, can also increase eye pressure and should be avoided initially after surgery.”
Any discomfort and tenderness from the surgery will settle within a few days and you can begin with some light to moderate exercise such as walking or stretching. You shouldn't carry out exercise which involves putting your head below your waist, as bending down can put strain and pressure on your eyes.
However, it's very important that you take it easy and rest for the first two or three days following the operation. During this time, avoid doing strenuous activities, such as housework or exercise after cataract surgery. This will give your eyes the time they need to heal.
Though it may be quite tempting, don't try to lift anything that's over 10 pounds in the first week after cataract surgery. If you consider yourself a weight lifter, avoid this exercise for at least 5 weeks to be safe. Ask your eye doctor to confirm when it's safe to lift weights again after cataract surgery.
The third prohibited eye makeup, swimming, and lifting greater than 20 pounds for one week. The fourth prohibited swimming, weight lifting while lying down, holding breath while lifting heavy objects, lifting greater than 25 pounds, and excessive bending for one week.
Cataract surgery has a fast recovery rate with only a few restrictions to contend with. With the day of surgery excepted, no bed rest is required. Most patients can return to normal activities the following day.
Most doctors recommend wearing sunglasses after cataract surgery for at least a week—and many doctors recommend up to a year. The truth is wearing sunglasses is always a good idea whether you've had cataract surgery or not. Protecting your eyes from the sun's damaging rays keeps them healthier longer.
Patients with a dislocated IOL may experience a decrease or change in vision, diplopia, and/or glare. Additionally, they may report ocular pain or headaches from intermittent angle-closure and/or inflammation. Some patients also report seeing the edge of the IOL.
That, of course, means no heavy lifting. One way doctors help those with surgical wounds heal quickly — and avoid added physical stress that could raise blood pressure and, in turn, cause a cut to break open and bleed — is to recommend steering clear of picking up anything that weighs more than 10 pounds.
You can resume activities such as washing your face the day after surgery, as long as you are careful to not touch the eye. You shouldn't splash water directly on your face and instead, use a washcloth to carefully clean.
As the eyes heal from cataract surgery, a person should focus on maintaining a diet that supports overall health and avoids processed foods, fast foods, excess salt, sugar, tobacco, and alcohol. According to the National Eye Institute (NEI) , most people have cataracts or have had cataract surgery by age 80 years.
Wear your eye shield at night or while napping so you don't rub your eye while sleeping. Your doctor will tell you how many nights to do this. For most people it's from 1 to 7 nights. Use the eye drops your doctor prescribes, just as your doctor advises.
For example, tying up shoes or putting on pants. It is important to avoid bending over as much as possible, but accidentally bending over once or twice after cataract surgery will likely not cause any issues. Prolonged bending over is where problems can occur.
You should continue to wear sunglasses for at least a few weeks after your surgery. This will help to protect your eyes as they heal. After a few weeks, you can start to wear them less often.
Your lens is held in place by delicate fibers called zonules. If you've had an eye lens replacement for cataract surgery or refractive lens exchange, your intraocular lens implant (IOL) is held in place by a small sac and these thin fibers.
Wear sunglasses outdoors for one week after surgery. It is optional to wear them indoors.
It is very common to have blurry or unclear vision in the days and sometimes even weeks after cataract removal. Most of the time, this is caused by normal swelling in the eye which occurs as a part of surgery. Patients with larger, denser and/or firmer cataracts are more likely to experience more inflammation.