James William Lindberg (born July 26, 1965) is an American singer and guitarist. Active since the 1980s, when he played in local bands in his early career, he is best known as the songwriter and lead singer of the punk rock band Pennywise, which he fronted from 1988 to 2009, and has again since 2012.
In 2009 Lindberg had a high-profile split with Pennywise, leaving the band so he could concentrate on raising a family that included three young children.
In the novel, It claims that its true name is Robert "Bob" Gray, but decided to be named “It”. Throughout the book, It is generally referred to as male due to usually appearing as Pennywise.
The concept of clowns has been traced back to the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt, but the modern circus clown developed in the 19th century, so by the time King's novel is set (the first part of it), Pennywise was around 200 years old.
According to It, when humans got scared, "all the chemicals of fear flooded the body and salted the meat". This is why he prefers to feast on children -- their fears are simple, pure, and powerful compared to the complex, pathological fears of adults.
Every 27 years, a shape-shifting entity known as IT crawls out of the sewers to prey on the children of Derry, Maine. IT plasters himself with an unnatural grin, takes on the form of Pennywise the Dancing Clown, and wreaks havoc.
Red balloons are Pennywise's calling cards, and he often uses them as bait to kidnap children.
Pennywise, The Dancing Clown, the antagonist of Stephen King's novel, "It" has never been married.
The kids at the heart of the It call themselves the Losers' Club, but even among the seven of them, there have to be winners and, well, losers.
Stephen King's 'IT' introduced readers to a one-of-a-kind creature that can take any form, the most common one being Pennywise the Dancing Clown, and as menacing as it is, this creature has one big enemy it's truly scared of: Maturin, the turtle.
In the novel, It's origins are nebulous. He took the form of a clown most frequently, Mr. Bob Gray or Pennywise, but his true form is an ancient eldritch entity from another universe who landed in the town that would become Derry by way of an asteroid and first awoke in 1715.
Related: What Does Pennywise Really Look Like In IT? IT arrived on Earth through an event similar to an asteroid impact, landing in what would later become Derry, Maine. Once there, IT adopted its usual pattern of hibernation that lasted between 27 and 30 years, awakening to kill and eat and then going back to sleep.
Beverly "Bev" Marsh is a fictional character created by Stephen King and one of the main characters of his 1986 horror novel It.
Pennywise offers Georgie his boat back, but when Georgie attempts to reach out to it, Pennywise grabs Georgie's arm and bites it off, leaving Georgie to bleed to death in the rain.
Image via Warner Bros. Finally, Pennywise is beaten into submission. He scurries away, utters the word "fear," and partially disintegrates before falling into the void. It's a powerful defeat of a powerful monster, and it's satisfaction enough were IT to remain a single film.
In the movie, Pennywise says “They all float down here. You'll float, too”, referring to the floating bodies of the many victims that have been dragged to the sewers and… well, you know the rest. And as always, people get really creative around Halloween, this poster is 2021's IT celebration of the year in my opinion.
The Deadlights are orange writhing lights that exist in Todash Darkness. Pennywise uses its Deadlights to break a person's mind because one look at the Deadlights will make a person go insane due to it not being able to be comprehended by a human mind.
Jackson Robert Scott, the 8-year-old who played Georgie in the mega-blockbuster hit that was It, went to a weekend screening of his movie dressed as ... Georgie. As in, the film's first on-screen victim of Pennywise the Clown, who later repeats the phrase "You'll float, too!"
In one scene, Jessica Chastain's Beverly sees a vision of Pennywise the clown before he puts on his white paint and we finally get a glimpse of Bill Skarsgård's actual face. He's the man behind the terrifying evil entity that's giving an entire new generation a clown phobia.
Though it is just before the next twenty-seven year IT cycle, this is our first glimpse of Pennywise in IT Chapter One. In the opening scene of the film, young Georgie Denbrough playing with a paper boat made for him by his brother Bill. He loses the boat down the sewer and faces Pennywise when he tries to get it back.
It's weaknesses are courage and heart. For the sake of spoilers, I won't go too much into the Ritual of Chüd, but suffice it to say that if you want to defeat It, you've got to have the two traits listed above.
Great film, but not for kids under 13
I recommend this film to everyone who loves slightly disturbing films and TV shows like me but for anyone under the age of 13 you really should not watch it. It's very gory and contains adult language.
The reveal of Pennywise's pregnancy may have been an essential moment in the It book ending, but there's a simple reason it was never shown on the screen.