Frequent urination can help flush bacteria from the urinary tract. It also reduces the time that bacteria in the urine are exposed to cells in the tract, limiting the risk of them attaching to and infecting these cells. Urinating as soon as possible after the urge strikes can help prevent and treat UTIs.
Holding your urine for extremely long periods of time can also cause urinary tract infections due to bacteria build-up. In addition, it can increase your risk of kidney disease and in rare cases even risk your bladder bursting—a condition that can be deadly.
Drink plenty of water during the day to help flush out bacteria. Avoid alcohol, coffee, and soft drinks that contain caffeine or citrus juice. These tend to irritate your bladder and aggravate the urgency and frequency of your need to urinate. Avoid drinking a lot of fluids before bed.
Causes Urinary tract Infections (UTIs)
Although holding your pee doesn't directly cause a urinary tract infection (UTI), not emptying your bladder can allow bacteria to multiply within the bladder. This is because passing urine helps to flush out the bladder and the rest of your urinary tract.
You'll have to take another pee test to make sure you're officially rid of that awful UTI. Never assume your urinary tract infection magically vanished on its own, because bacteria is “sticky,” and isn't easily removed from the urinary tract.
Patients with urinary tract infection (UTI) are usually advised to drink six to eight glasses (1.5 to 2 liters) of water every day to flush the infection out of the urinary system. The best way to get the infection out of the system is by drinking liquids until the urine is clear and the stream is forceful.
Antibiotics usually are the first treatment for urinary tract infections. Your health and the type of bacteria found in your urine determine which medicine is used and how long you need to take it.
In most cases, antibiotics are needed to treat a UTI. Antibiotics kill the bacteria causing the infection, and help your symptoms go away in 1 to 2 days. In fact, because UTIs are so common, they account for up to 20% of all antibiotic prescriptions in the U.S. — second only to respiratory infections.
Uncomplicated UTIs can go away in about a week. It's possible to try some home remedies to get relief during the recovery, but make sure to seek medical assistance if the signs of your UTI is going away fail to show. After all, you don't want a lower tract UTI to turn into an upper tract one.
Bladder infections are a type of UTI, but not all urinary tract infections are bladder infections. A UTI is defined as an infection in one or more places in the urinary tract—the ureters, kidneys, urethra, and/or bladder. A bladder infection is a UTI that's only located in the bladder.
There are three primary reasons that this may happen: an antibiotic-resistant strain of bacteria is causing your UTI. another type of bacteria, fungi, or virus may be causing your infection. your UTI may be another condition that has UTI-like symptoms.
Cranberries, blueberries, raspberries and other berries promote urinary tract health and provide protection against infection with an important compound that helps fight bacteria and keeps it from sticking to the lining of the urinary tract.
Typically, you only need to take them for 3 to 7 days, and most people start to feel relief within the first few days.
UTIs can also get even more complicated when some infections end up getting worse instead of better, even with proper treatment.
Drink plenty of water and other liquids to help flush out bacteria. Urinate frequently, or about every two to three hours.
Of course, make sure your bladder is completely empty before going to bed. You might also consider setting alarms during the night so that you can wake up and use the bathroom. Tools like a hot water bottle, heating pad, or even over-the-counter pain relievers can all help you with nighttime discomfort, too.
One of the first things to do when you have a urinary tract infection is drink plenty of water. That's because drinking water can help flush away the bacteria that's causing your infection, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).
Your doctor will also do a urine culture to test for bacteria or fungi. The culture can help identify the cause of the infection. It can also help your doctor choose a treatment. If your doctor suspects the UTI is viral, special testing may need to be performed.
Treatment for UTIs
Your symptoms will normally pass within three to five days of starting treatment. But make sure you complete the whole course of antibiotics that you've been prescribed, even if you're feeling better. Over-the-counter painkillers such as paracetamol can help with any pain.
Sometimes, you can get rid of a UTI naturally by resting, drinking lots of water, taking dietary supplements, and giving the infection some time to heal. Research from 2017 suggests that somewhere between 25% and 42% of UTIs resolve naturally without the use of antibiotics.