Their sirings are all shown in flashbacks: Angel was turned in 1753,
Angel is the title character on the show. He's a vampire with a soul who was originally born in Galway, Ireland in 1727 and became a vampire in 1753 as the age of 26.
Angel was one of the most well-known vampires in all of vampiric history, legendary for both his savage villainy and his great heroism. Born Liam in 1727 in Galway, Ireland, he was sired by Darla in 1753, taking the name Angelus, he earned notoriety as the worst vampire in history.
In that episode, it is revealed that Darla was once romantically involved with Angel and that she turned him into a vampire. Angel stakes her through the heart. Benz was asked to return to the role three years later, but not on Buffy.
The clan took their revenge by cursing Angelus with a soul, turning him into Angel. Wracked by guilt for his crimes, Angel found himself unable or unwilling to feed on humans. Angelus was 171-years-old when he transformed into Angel.
The Master (Mark Metcalf) is the oldest and most powerful vampire. He became trapped in Sunnydale 60 years ago when his plan to open the Hellmouth - a gateway to unleash demonic forces - was thwarted by an earthquake. Now Sunnydale High School lies on top of the Hellmouth and has become the focus of vampire activity.
How old is Angel/Spike/Drusilla/Darla? Their sirings are all shown in flashbacks: Angel was turned in 1753, Spike in 1880, Drusilla in 1860, and Darla in 1609. Angel is 26, Drusilla is 19.
Buffy Summers lost her virginity to her then-lover, Angel, a vampire with a soul.
Angel, better known as Angelus, is a 242 year old vampire who is cursed with a soul, a punishment designed to make him suffer for his gruesome past as the infamously cruel vampire Angelus.
Angelus terrorizes Willow and the Gang at school, emotionally tormenting Buffy. Later, as they discuss Angel's transformation in the library, Buffy realises that having sex with Angel is what caused him to turn evil. Buffy has a dream in which Angel indicates that Jenny knows more than she is letting on.
Returning to Buffy, Angel tells her he has been to The Oracles to ask to become a vampire again — and that they granted his request.
Life With a Soul
He was sought out in the 1990s by the demon Whistler, who persuaded him to fight against the evil that he had once embodied in an effort to redeem himself. He pointed Angel towards the newly-activated Slayer, Buffy Summers. Angel resolved to help her in any way possible.
1. Spike. We know that Team Angel fans are probably screaming at their computers right now, but hear us out. There are plenty of reasons Spike was the most powerful vampire in the Buffyverse.
Angel's birth (human) name was Liam (Irish version of the name William - something that's featured in some Angel/Spike fics as Spike's human name was William). On the show, in flashbacks, Liam is portrayed as a drunk and a disappointment to his father.
In the episode "I Will Remember You," Angel becomes human, much to his and Buffy's emotional and physical satisfaction.
The fallen vampire Angel (David Boreanaz), cursed with a conscience, sets out to save lost souls in the City of Angels. Angel turns on his killer charm at a Los Angeles singles bar where a serial murderer is hunting for victims; Doyle develops a crush on Cordelia.
It is not until the episode "Angel" that the character is revealed to be a benevolent vampire from Galway, Ireland, who emigrated to the United States to escape his past as the sadistic Angelus after his soul was restored by a vengeful Romani clan.
Angel is a given name meaning "angel", "messenger". In the English-speaking world Angel is used for both boys and girls. From the medieval Latin masculine name Angelus, which was derived from the name of the heavenly creature (itself derived from the Ancient Greek word ἄγγελος (angelos) meaning "messenger").
He was sired at the age of 26 and was cursed with a human soul, which meant he forever showed remorse towards his innocent victims. As an unsouled vampire he was known as 'Angelus', finally taking on the name 'Angel' after he was re-ensouled.
Season nine continues, after issue five's cliffhanger revelation that the Slayer was pregnant, with Buffy deciding what to do about the unwanted pregnancy – the result of a drunken night at a party.
Following Buffy's resurrection, Angel and Buffy met again, an event she later described it as "intense." Later, while recounting the painful experience of having to kill Angel, Buffy remarked that she would have given anything to be with him and that she "loved him more than she would ever love anything in this life." ...
But I did want to ask about the way she got pregnant—at the party in the first issue of Buffy Season 9, after Buffy became black-out drunk.
Spike is a boy's name of English and American origin.
To start with, Buffy is 16 years old when she embarks on her relationship with Angel, who is 241. This could probably be overlooked since Angel is a vampire, but he was turned at age 26. This means he was still 10 years older than Buffy when he ceased to be human.
In "Something Blue", a spell by Willow goes awry, blinding Giles, making Xander a literal demon magnet, and causing Buffy and Spike to fall in love and get engaged.