The theory is that people are either left-brained or right-brained, meaning that one side of their brain is dominant. If you're mostly analytical and methodical in your thinking, the theory says that you're left-brained. If you tend to be more creative or artistic, you're right-brained.
Because the left hemisphere also controls the dominant right hand, it came to be widely regarded as the dominant or major hemisphere, and the right as nondominant or minor.
The large, wrinkly cerebrum is the most powerful part of your brain, responsible for all your conscious actions, speech, and feelings. The smaller cerebellum (meaning “little brain” in Latin) coordinates your movements and balance.
Research found that men tend to use one side of their brain (particularly the left side for verbal reasoning) while women tend to use both cerebral areas for visual, verbal and emotional responses. These differences in brain use cause a difference in behavior between men and women.
Browse through a list of history's most famous left-handers and you are likely to see Albert Einstein's name. You may even see people tying Einstein's genius to his left-handedness.
right brain myth. The theory is that people are either left-brained or right-brained, meaning that one side of their brain is dominant. If you're mostly analytical and methodical in your thinking, the theory says that you're left-brained. If you tend to be more creative or artistic, you're right-brained.
Traditionally, the majority of entrepreneurs have been logical thinkers, problem solvers, and pay attention to details. These are the stereotypical left-brain engineers.
What are "left-brained" people like? They are described as logical, analytical, and orderly. The theory suggests that people who are left-brain dominant do well in careers that involve linear thinking, math, and verbal information, such as an accountant, scientist, or computer programmer.
Children who have stronger left-brain functions tend to be more analytical in their thinking and typically perform well academically. They may have a great ability to memorize large amounts of data, have a large vocabulary, and are detail-oriented.
Both the cerebello-parietal component and the frontal component are associated with intelligence.
Right-brainers can be disorganised, unpredictable and more often than not, very good with people. They are spontaneous, creative and more emotional than left-brainers, often pondering and acting on their feelings. They are intuitive, good at problem solving and more comfortable with the unknown.
While everyone uses both sides of their brains in work (and in life), people who think of themselves as right-brained tend to be creative, emotional, and intuitive. They are more likely an imaginative and innovative thinker and are often drawn to fields where they can express themselves freely and help others.
Scientists deduced that the left brain was better at language and rhythm, while the right brain was better at emotions and melody. However, this doesn't mean that the two halves are entirely separate. The myth of the totally opposite hemispheres persists for a variety of reasons.
“Located in the left side of our brain is the masculine force. It is the part of us that is assertive, logical, analytical, doing, controlling, aggressive, striving, projecting, hard, organizing, rushing, thrusting, always pushing us to survive, and has its origin in our minds.
But this does not justify the pop psychology concept of “left-brained” or “right-brained.” The two hemispheres are different, yet brain imaging technologies like functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) suggest that, on average, we use both sides of our brain equally. We are all “brain-ambidextrous.”
Thus, physical evidence has revealed that the right hemisphere, while indeed the brain's more "emotional" side, is not solely responsible for processing the expression of emotions.
The neural system for emotions linked to approaching and engaging with the world – like happiness, pride and anger – lives in the left side of the brain, while emotions associated with avoidance – like disgust and fear – are housed in the right. But those studies were done almost exclusively on right-handed people.
You Tend To Be Disorganized
A right-brain dominant person may have difficulties staying on task and keeping things in order. This can be as simple as maintaining a neat and clean work desk or completing specific academic tasks.
Traits of the Right Hemisphere of the Brain
Creative kids tend to be right-brained, and when in learning situations they prefer to: Be shown rather than told how to do a task. Solve problems by looking at similarities and patterns. Draw rather than write.
Their brain test project showed: 41% of earch-dwellers are left-brained, while only 27% are right-brained. In 32% of participants, the two hemispheres exert equal influence on thinking. (Source: Sommer+Sommer, n=35.345. 657 people from 205 countries.)
This happens for two reasons: these corporations were either started by left brain types (i.e. Larry Page and Sergei Brin of Google) or the power has been transferred to them by a left brain founder (Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates of Microsoft).
The right hemisphere of your brain is home to emotion, intuition or your 'Spidey Sense,' your artistic endeavors, symbols, sensitivities, impulses and practical intelligence. It's where we draw our emotional intelligence from, to whatever degree it is developed. The right side of the brain can manage complexity well.
Doctors can be right-brained! Doctors are often considered people who use their left brain more than their right brain. The left brain is associated with logical and analytical thinking. However, the right brain is associated with artistic and creative abilities.