All in all, mercury is one of the most deadly toxic pollutants in the air. Not only is Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) a substantial pollutant in our air and a direct result of coal power plants, it is also one of the causes of some serious health problems.
Australia topped the list as the least polluted country in the world, with 7 cities in the top 25. Of the 25 least polluted cities in the world with the best air quality, Nordic countries (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Estonia) dominated the rankings with some of the cleanest air in the world in 2022.
Tired of the pollution in Australia's big cities? The world's cleanest air is just across the Bass Strait. It's in North-Western Tasmania on the Cape Grim Peninsula where you can find the cleanest air on the planet, according to a measuring station on the cape.
It is estimated that the average Australian has a carbon footprint of about 15 tonnes of CO2 per year. That's way, way more than the 2 tonnes recommended for each of us if we want to keep global warming under 2 degrees Celsius by 2050.
2018 OECD average: 11.5 tCO2e/capita 2018 Australian average: 22.4 tCO2e/capita Australian net zero target: All states aim for 2050.
Energy is still by far the industry that produces the most pollution, at a rate of more than 15 billion tons due to its dependency on coal, oil and gas.
1. Denmark. With a total EPI score of 82.5, Denmark is 2020's cleanest and most environmentally friendly country. Denmark stands out for its high scores in several categories, including Wastewater Treatment (100), Waste Management (99.8), and Species Protection Index (100).
Electricity generation has historically been the main source of China's air pollution. However, large coal-powered industries, which are key drivers of China's economic development, have increasingly contributed to China's air pollution problems.
The most polluted city in the world is a notable climber in Saudi Arabia, with Dammam averaging 124.11 micrograms of PM2. 5 as it was ranked 11th last year. The number of Indian cities on the top 25 list decreased from 10 to 9 as one Chinese city joined the list.
If all of the zeros are making your eyes water, we can put it another way that has a few less: China emits about 27 times more greenhouse gases than Australia.
AGL Energy is Australia's largest emitter of scope-one greenhouse gases (direct emissions), accounting for about 8% the country's emissions – a nation that has the highest emissions per capita.
Australian emissions
Australia is the world's 14th highest emitter, contributing just over 1 per cent of global emissions.
Australia air quality is generally among some of the cleanest in the world, although the country is vulnerable to short-term extreme pollution spikes which occur due to bushfires and dust storms.
The scheme was repealed on 17 July 2014, backdated to 1 July 2014.
As a consequence, Australia's global carbon footprint is very significant, with exported fossil fuel emissions currently representing around 3.6% of global emissions.
The sub-tropical climate is just perfect all year round and it's a city that prides greatly in its cleanliness. Interesting fact; Brisbane is ranked among top 10 cleanest cities across the world and the cleanest in the country, rightly earning its title as Australia's “new world” city.
The King River in Tassie is thought to be the most polluted river in Australia. For close to 70 years it was used as a dumping ground for the mining waste from a nearby copper mine.
The North Western tip of Tasmania, on the Cape Grim Peninsula, has some of the cleanest air in the world.
1. Mount Isa, Qld. The Mount Isa Mine dominates the town of Mount Isa, which has been named Australia's most polluted city in 2022. According to the ACF, the Australian town with the highest rate of air pollution in 2022 is Mount Isa in northwest Queensland.