In most cases, the lower denture is much less stable than the upper denture. This is due to the shape of the gums on the lower ridge and movement of the denture caused by the tongue. Ask your prosthodontist about supporting your lower denture with dental implants.
As a general rule of thumb, dental professionals are likely to tell you that adjusting to new dentures takes about 30 days, on average. You might not be keen to wait this long, but you need to be careful how quickly you try to get back to normal.
Flexible dentures are most comfortable because it hugs the contours of the gum and it does not cause bruises to the gum and can last longer than other types of dentures. You also need to consider the location of the missing teeth.
In many cases, learning to adapt to the feel of the lower denture can require somewhat more time than the upper denture as the lower denture is typically less secure and your tongue can feel a little cramped. It can take up to a number of weeks before you are completely comfortable with them.
Upper dentures usually fit better and are more stable than lower dentures because patients usually get the benefit of having suction to help retain and stabilze the denture, whereas the lower denture has no chance of gaining suction. The anatomy of the bone structure of the upper and lower jaw are different.
Custom Dentures
These dentures are made of more expensive teeth, which gives you a more natural-looking smile. One can actually see the new denture before it's completed. This denture is customized for one's smile, so it's natural looking and suits one's needs.
Dentures will dramatically change your appearance. Missing teeth or ill-fitting dentures will provide you with a lopsided and sunken appearance. But properly fitting dentures designed at the correct height, your face offers your face proportion.
Wearing a lower denture is more difficult. Most complaints about wearing dentures have to do with lower dentures. This is because lower dentures are in a mobile environment – where the lips, cheeks and tongue try to dislodge the denture during eating or speaking.
Speak at a normal volume
You may feel like you sound louder than usual when you start speaking with dentures. This is because dentures alter the anatomy of your mouth, and therefore, the way sound travels from it. Don't worry—it's more noticeable to you than to others, and you will sound more natural over time.
Lower dentures are horseshoe shaped to allow for movement of the tongue. They rarely have any form of suction and most move around or come out during speech and while eating. The unwanted movement and lack of stability is very frustrating and often leaves the tissue sore and ulcerated.
Modern fixed, implant-retained dentures
This type of modern denture is created to live in your mouth forever — you won't take them out at night for cleaning. With this option, four or more dental implants are placed in your jawbone, forming a secure, long-lasting bond.
After your dentist measures your mouth, they can go ahead and create your immediate denture based upon the shape and size of your mouth and jaw. The good news is that once your immediate denture is ready, you can wear your new teeth immediately after the extraction.
The short answer is yes, dentures can definitely change the shape of your face. But if you've been missing teeth or dealing with bad, ill-fitting dentures, the change may be for the better.
If you're wondering whether your dentures are too big, there are three tell-tale signs of unstable dentures: Your mouth and gums are swollen, red, and painful. Your dentures rub against the back of your throat and cause you to frequently gag. Your dentures slip and slide while you're eating or speaking.
Can you perform oral sex? Of course it is. Many people are afraid to kiss another person or perform oral sex for fear that their partner – if he or she doesn't know – will notice that they have dentures.
In the First 2 Weeks
It's normal to develop sore spots during the first few days of wearing dentures. You may also have more saliva. Gum tissue contracts as it heals. For this reason, you may need to visit our office several times so your full or partial dentures fit comfortably.
In most cases, you won't be able to tell that someone is wearing dentures if you have well-fitting dentures that are professionally made, are regularly cleaned, and fit well.
It's important that you don't remove your dentures during the first 24 hours so the gums have a chance to heal. Your full dentures act much like a bandaid during your first day, which is why you'll even need to wear your dentures to bed. After 24 hours, we highly recommend removing your dentures before going to sleep.
Normally, upper dentures cover the top of the mouth so thoroughly that a person's ability to taste and experience their food is diminished, not to mention hamper proper function.
Generally speaking, if dentures are properly fitted, denture adhesive is not necessary to keep them in place. If you feel that you need something to help your full or partial dentures stay in place, speak to your dentist about having your dentures refitted before attempting to fix the issue with adhesive.
Ideally, your dentures should support your lips and cheeks, but if they are too large, they can actually push your dentures outward, resulting in puffy lips and cheeks. The correct fitting of dentures can usually prevent this, but the denture flanges that go around the gums can cause puffiness for some people.
How many teeth are in a full set of dentures? The minimal functional number is 20 teeth. Some dentures can have up to 28 teeth to provide proper support and a healthy bite.
Because dentures rest on that gum ridge and are customized to fit its shape and size, dentures loosen as this happens, and for many patients, end up feeling too big for their mouths. What are your options if this has happened to you?