1. INTP. The winner of the most introverted personality type goes to INTPs. These analytical thinkers are often deep in thought and prefer to explore complex problems independently.
ISFPs are quiet, reserved types who like to focus their attention on people and the experiences they enjoy. They aren't typically big talkers unless someone they're talking about something deeply important to them or they're trying to empathize verbally with someone.
Of all of the introvert personality types on the MBTI, the INTP tends to be the most introverted. They tend to be thoughtful, quiet, and very reserved around others.
ISFJ. ISFJ's are quiet, conscientious, and kind. They are responsible in nature and are committed to meeting their obligations. They have a tendency to put the needs of others above their own.
INFJ is the rarest personality type across the population, occurring in just 2% of the population. It is also the rarest personality type among men. INFJ stands for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging. This unique combination is hard to find in most people.
"ESFJs are social creatures with a lot of love for routine. They tend to be sensitive and feel most awkward when they think they are the butt of someone's joke or are not having their feelings in a friendship or relationship reciprocated," says Owens.
INTJ – (Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging). The Mastermind. Other nicknames for the INTJ include The Conceptual Planner or The Architect. Arguably the smartest MBTI type.
INTJ. Much like their extroverted counterparts, INTJs are also known for their self-assurance—and it's actually this introverted intuition that contributes to their confidence.
Dark personality traits include psychopathy, machiavellianism and narcissism, collectively called the "dark triad".
People with an Enneagram Type 1 personality tend to be rational, principled, and judicial in their behavior. They usually have a desire for justice and equality. They are motivated by a strong sense of right and wrong.
The short answer: INFJ (Introverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Judgment) is the most complex Myers-Briggs Personality Type. Let's examine INFJs and why this personality type is so complicated.
INTJ: One of The Rarest, Loneliest Personality Types [Introverts and Writing]
ISTJs are quiet, careful leaders. They want to make sure that the people they lead have a clear direction, consistent, honest leadership, and a logical plan of action.
ISFJs ranked as having low self-acceptance according to the CPI™ tool. This may be largely because ISFJs are known for being cautious and careful, which may come across as self-doubting at times.
According to Comen, both INTJs and INTPs are among the smartest, adding that thinking is actually "the primary life goal" for INTPs, as opposed to the key tool.
Only INFJ, INTJ, ESFP and ESTJ seem to be strong in mathematics. All other types should focus on the subject and can potentially improve their scores. INFP and INTP types especially need to pay attention to mathematics.
Aquarius is said to be the most introverted zodiac sign among the twelve. Preferring to stay within their own close circle, Aquarius people are often shy and quiet.
In fact, when I think about it, Virgo, Scorpio and Aquarius individuals in particular could be considered the most socially awkward signs, due to their (generally) reserved, shy personalities.
07/7These zodiac signs can never stay alone
Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces have trouble being alone. They welcome opportunities that involve love and relationships. They can't bear to end up alone in life.
We start off with INFPs and INFJs: two Introverted personalities that often experience bouts of anxiety. When it comes to these types, their anxiety can stem from an inclination to overthinking.
ISTJ. Introverted, sensing, thinking, and judging people are often pushing themselves to be the best that they can be—no matter how hard the work is, Karen Comen, an astrologer at ZodiacSign.com tells Best Life. "ISTJs constantly seek to improve and break new boundaries regarding their individual growth," she says.
ISFJ: Soft-spoken
You never speak an unkind word to others. You're responsible, studious, love to read, and others probably think you're a bit quirky, too.
There's no better person to just hang with than you, ISFP…and you get along with just about anyone, unless they're judgmental or demanding.