In conclusion, while it may not have the smallest homeless population or the lowest rate of homelessness in the world, Finland is the country that handles homelessness the best.
In Finland, they've managed to virtually end homelessness, writes Linda McQuaig.
Since several years, homelessness has decreased in Finland, and the current government has a plan to end homelessness completely by 2027.
Iceland, with only 349 persons per night, has the lowest homeless population on the European continent and one of the lowest in the world.
Germany has the highest homelessness numbers in Europe - YouTube.
In comparison with the other Nordic countries, Sweden does not have a national homelessness strategy. The housing market is highly deregulated.
It is important that they are tenants: each has a contract, pays rent and (if they need to) applies for housing benefit. That, after all, is all part of having a home – and part of a housing policy that has now made Finland the only EU country where homelessness is falling.
But what is the situation with homelessness in Norway like? There is believed to be roughly 3,300 homeless people in Norway, which is among the lowest in the world. The government has active strategies to reduce the number of homeless people in Norway, but struggles to reduce the number down to zero.
Homelessness in Switzerland is a known social issue, however, there are few estimates as to the number of Swiss people affected. Homelessness is less visible in Switzerland than in many other Western countries. The majority of homeless people in Geneva are Swiss or French, with a minority from other countries.
Why is Japan's Homeless Population So Low? Worldwide, homelessness results from many factors, including drug addiction, mental health, housing options, education and government decisions. Japan's strict drug laws, mental health systems and housing options contribute to the countries low homeless population.
Which cities had the largest homeless populations in 2022? Out of the 48 largest cities in the US, Los Angeles and New York had the largest homeless populations. Both identified over 60,000 homeless people in 2022.
Experts estimate that there are 10,000 to 15,000 homeless people in Denmark, about half of which live in the Copenhagen metropolitan area. The homeless population has not been caught by the Danish social security net.
Texas. The cities of Houston and Austin are amongst some of the best cities to be homeless, as they offer the most support to those who are down on their luck. In fact, homelessness has dropped drastically in the last ten years in the city of Houston due to their housing first policy.
Homelessness In Iceland
Homelessness, while still low, went up by 168% between 2009 and 2017, according to the OECD. There hasn't been an official report releasing the number of homeless people in Iceland since the 2011 census.
The four largest cities have a total of 2,632 homeless persons. Oslo has 1,526 (2.65 per 1000 pop.), Bergen 669 (2.66 per 1000 pop.), Trondheim 223 (1.23 per 1000 pop.) and Stavanger 215 (1.77 per 1000 pop.).
Homelessness in Sweden affects some 34,000 people.
Most find a place to stay at night thanks to private shelters and NGOs, but some sleep on the streets and in doorways. Others go to noisy hostels paid for by the municipalities, where they stay warm but attract drug and alcohol pushers who only make the problem worse.
The report says homelessness is rising in all European countries except Finland, and singles out cities such as London, Paris, Brussels, Dublin, Vienna, Athens, Warsaw and Barcelona as places where the housing system is particularly under strain.
In Finland, the wellbeing services counties offer services to the unhoused. If you become unhoused, please contact the social services (sosiaalipalvelut) or the services for the unhoused (asunnottomien palvelut) in your area. They can help you in looking for an apartment or temporary housing.
Country statistics
Housing prices having increased homelessness significantly, and although there are more houses being built, they are not affordable (Borgen Project, 2020). The estimated number of homeless people in Sweden in 2020 was 33,000 (Stadsmissionen, 2021).
Stockholm's homeless population is starkly divided between Swedish citizens and permanent residents versus EU migrants. Although the two groups share similar needs, registered citizens and residents receive social services, but unregistered migrants aren't entitled to government benefits.
The city (municipality) of Stockholm also performs similar counts, locally. In 2018, the number of homeless people was 2,439, of whom 45% were considered to have obvious mental health problems and 55% had addiction problems (18).
The lack of affordable housing and the growing population has led to a housing crisis and an increase in homelessness. The definition of homelessness in Sweden is divided into four categories: acute homelessness. institutional care and category housing.