Five hundred years ago, the work of the alchemist known as "Gold" unleashed a terrible curse on its people that transformed those afflicted into monsters. This further drew the ire of Celestia, who razed the entire nation to the ground.
Khaenri'ah was ruled by the 'Eclipse Dynasty'. Not much is known about them, except that it followed a system of monarchy; that being ruled by a King and/or Queen, and that its likely final ruler was a man named “Irmin”.
When the cataclysm came, we pure-blood Khaenri'ahns were declared the "greater sinners." Upon us, the gods placed the curse of immortality... But those whose ancestry belonged to the domains of other gods were punished with the curse of the wilderness as they fled, turning them into monsters.
The people of Khaenri'ah were transformed into various monsters, including hilichurls, but also monsters from the abyss like the Abyss Mages. Dainsleif was cursed with immortality, forever to live with the burden of his failure.
The Art of Khemia played into the taboo of Alchemy: the creation of life. Gold unleashed her man-made monsters unto Teyvat in pursuit of power. Because of this, Celestia called forth the seven Archons to fight and destroy Khaenri'ah.
Though Nahida stands her ground, she eventually hands one of the Gnoses over. In exchange, Dottore kills off all his other segments.
It's speculated that the Unknown God is the ruler of Celestia and therefore the deity whom all others must answer to, in addition to potentially being responsible for the destruction of both Khaenri'ah and the Travelers' world (which may have led the siblings to travel across other worlds) as her cubes can be seen ...
Albedo was born as a synthetic human being created by Rhinedottir, also known as Gold. He is one of her well-known creations alongside Durin, the Black Dragon and the Rifthounds. He was born just after the destruction of his hometown, Khaenri'ah (the incident is also known as the Cataclysm).
Alatus, also known as Xiao, was the only Yaksha to survive the Archon War.
Unfortunately, both Amos and the bard were among the casualties, causing deep regret for Barbatos.
Lumine however, considers Dainsleif to be her enemy due to the fact that she is the currently working with the Abyss Order, Dainsleif's main opponent. Given from Dainsleif's expressions however, he appears to feel betrayed and hurt by Lumine declaring him as her enemy.
“That man Dainsleif, was the Twilight Sword. One of the royal guards of the final dynasty of Khaenri'ah.” It was also revealed that because Dainsleif couldn't save Khaenri'ah from falling, he was cursed with immortality, though it's unknown who laid the curse.
That night, Kaeya revealed his true identity to Diluc — he was a secret agent from Khaenri'ah, who was planted in Mondstadt, as “last hope.” This led to a life or death confrontation between the two which ended with Kaeya receiving his Vision.
we learned that Kaeya hails from the Alberich Clan. a clan NOT of royal lineage which ruled temporarily as regents in Khaenri'ah. this new information has driven a wedge into the theory of Kaeya. being the Prince of the Eclipse Dynasty.
Dain is a former knight captain of the royal guard for the Eclipse Dynasty, the final ruling family of the nation Khaenri'ah.
As such, there's a chance that he could possess two elements, one Celestial and one Abyssal, much like Genshin Impact's Childe. So far we've only seen him use psychic abilities, something that has yet to surface in the game, and some fans have theorised that he may mark the introduction of light and dark powers.
Xiao suffers from his war-filled past. He and the now-deceased other Yakshas answered Zhongli's call for battle during the Archon War. However, fighting with the remains of fallen gods eventually accumulated enough “karma debt” to drive them mad.
10 Xiao's True Name Is Atalus
His true name is Alatus, but he will likely not admit this to many of the humans around him. Since Alatus is his adepti name, it's safe to assume that Ganyu, Cloud Retainer, Mountain Shaper, and Moon Carver are all aware of his real name.
If anything I would say the god of war themselves would have the highest kill count which is the pyro archon and Zhongli coming in close second.
Rosaria is extremely good at her job and can easily see through the facades the other characters like Kaeya put on. She is able to pick up that the Traveler isn't normal and is wary of the mysterious Albedo, who the game heavily hints at not being a normal human.
Along with Albedo's name being associated with purification, his constellation name also serves as a reflection of this concept. During Act 1 of the Princeps Cretaceus story, Albedo mentions he is born "of chalk" rather than earth and is therefore "free of impurities."
So, about Kaeya. what we know is: -He's a spy from Khaenri'ah sent by his father and then raised by master Crepus aka Diluc's dad. -in his story tab, it is mentioned that his father said to him that he's Khaenri'ah last hope or something.
Because of the heat wave coming from the sun, Princess Celestia is absorbing the sun's rays, making her become more and more powerful than usual. The sun's super-hot rays are also making her evil. The heat wave temperature eventually increases, causing Princess Celestia to transform.
Lunime means to light up. The closest name to Lumine I could find is Luna, who is the moon goddess in Roman mythology. This implies that the twin are celestial bodies of light. Aether being the sun and Lunime being the moon.
Azar is a major antagonist of the 2020 action role-playing fantasy game Genshin Impact, who serves as one of the two central antagonists of the Sumeru Archon Quests (alongside Scaramouche), being the overarching antagonist of the first, third and fourth acts, and the main antagonist of the second and fifth acts.