Who gave Zeus the poison?

Metis gave her cousin Zeus a potion to cause his father Cronus, the supreme ruler of the cosmos, to vomit out his siblings their father had swallowed out of fear of being overthrown.

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How did Zeus make Cronus vomit?

When Zeus was grown, he fed his father a drugged drink, which caused Cronus to vomit, throwing up Rhea's other children and the stone. Zeus then challenged Cronus to war for the kingship of the gods.

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Who saved Zeus from being eaten?

Rhea. Rhea was the wife of Cronus. Cronus made it a practice to swallow their children. To avoid this, Rhea tricked Cronus into swallowing a rock, saving her son Zeus.

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Who helped Zeus defeat Cronus?

Confronting Cronus

In some versions of the story, Gaia is the one who caused Cronus to regurgitate the children. After they were freed, Poseidon and Hades banded together with their brother, Zeus, to overthrow Cronus.

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Who fed Zeus human?

Lycaon, in Greek mythology, a legendary king of Arcadia. Traditionally, he was an impious and cruel king who tried to trick Zeus, the king of the gods, into eating human flesh.

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The Punishment of Prometheus: The Creation of Humanity - Greek Mythology in Comics -See U in History

20 related questions found

Which gods betrayed Zeus?

The Greek poet Hesiod related two principal legends concerning Prometheus. The first is that Zeus, the chief god, who had been tricked by Prometheus into accepting the bones and fat of sacrifice instead of the meat, hid fire from mortals. Prometheus, however, stole it and returned it to Earth once again.

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Has Zeus ever been with a man?

Ganymede (or Ganymedes) was a young man from Troy. His beauty was unparalleled, and for that reason, Zeus abducted and brought him to Olympus to serve as his cupbearer and lover. Ganymede's myth is an important step in queer history, but there is also a dark side to the story.

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Who killed Zeus in mythology?

In Greek mythology, Zeus is not killed at all. Zeus is king of the Greek gods and goddesses, a role he takes on after defeating his own father.

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Why Zeus killed Kratos?

Zeus claimed that his motivation was to "undo Athena's mistake" (presumably the act of making Kratos a God) and prevent Ares' fate from becoming his own. The King of the Gods then ordered the Spartan to submit, but an outraged Kratos refused, causing Zeus to stab him with the Blade of Olympus.

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Who defeated the 12 Titans?

Zeus and his brothers and sisters finally defeated the Titans after 10 years of fierce battles (the Titanomachia). The Titans were then hurled down by Zeus and imprisoned in a cavity beneath Tartarus. Hesiod's Works and Days preserves the idea of the Titans as the golden race, happy and long-lived.

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Who almost killed Zeus?

Typhon attempted to overthrow Zeus for the supremacy of the cosmos. The two fought a cataclysmic battle, which Zeus finally won with the aid of his thunderbolts.

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Who tricked Zeus twice?

So when Zeus decreed that man must present a portion of each animal they scarified to the gods Prometheus decided to trick Zeus. He created two piles, one with the bones wrapped in juicy fat, the other with the good meat hidden in the hide. He then bade Zeus to pick.

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Who was the last threat to Zeus?

A final threat to Zeus' power was to come in the form of the monster Typhon, son of Gaia and Tartarus. Zeus with his thunderbolt was quickly victorious, and Typhon was also imprisoned in Tartarus.

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How is Poseidon alive if Cronus ate him?

Poseidon was the son of Cronus and Rhea, the king and queen of the Titans. After being born, Poseidon was swallowed by his father Cronus because of a prophesy that said Cronus' children would someday overthrow him. Poseidon was eventually saved by his younger brother Zeus.

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Who killed Kronos?

Zeus killed Kronos and saved his siblings. At first the relationship between the Olympians and Titans were relatively amicable, but eventually the Titanomachy, the war against the Titans, broke out, in which the Titans were finally subdued and punished.

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What did Kronos eat instead of Zeus?

When Zeus was born, however, Rhea hid him in Crete and tricked Cronus into swallowing a stone instead. Zeus grew up, forced Cronus to disgorge his brothers and sisters, waged war on Cronus, and was victorious.

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Who killed Poseidon?

Poseidon warned Kratos that Olympus' destruction meant the world's destruction. The Ghost of Sparta did not react and told him to prepare for his own death, Kratos proceeded to brutally beat on the sea god, before finally finishing Poseidon by gouging out his uncle's eyes with his thumbs and snapping his neck.

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How old was Zeus when he died?

The Great Dane, the world's tallest dog, died last week. He was 5. Zeus, the world's tallest dog, is no more. The Great Dane's owner, Kevin Doorlag, told the Kalamazoo Gazette that Zeus died last week of old age.

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Who killed Hercules?

Hercules then asked for help from the gods to end his life, and he received it. The Greek god Zeus sent lightning to consume Hercules' mortal body and took him to live with the gods on Mount Olympus. This was the apotheosis, the transformation of Hercules into a god.

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Who killed Odin?

During this, Odin will ride to fight Fenrisúlfr. During the battle, Fenrisúlfr will eventually swallow Odin, killing him, and Odin's son Víðarr will move forward and kick one foot into the lower jaw of the wolf. This foot will bear a legendary shoe "for which the material has been collected throughout all time".

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Who killed Hades?

Haides was also the god of the hidden wealth of the earth, from the fertile soil with nourished the seed-grain, to the mined wealth of gold, silver and other metals. Haides was devoured by Kronos (Cronus) as soon as he was born, along with four of his siblings.

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What was Kratos the god of?

In Greek mythology, Kratos, also known as Cratus or Cratos, is the divine personification of strength.

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What gender was Zeus?

Zeus is depicted with both fe- male and male aspects as he gives birth to the goddess Athena. Zeus is blessed by female embodiments of birth even as he completes birth in his own male way. This reflects patriarchal ideas in Greek society about the superiority of men and the male body.

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How many boys did Zeus have?

At Least 41 of His Children Might Have Been Divine

Zeus's celebrated sons are also many, and include Apollo, god of the sun, light, music and poetry, Ares, god of war, and Hermes, messenger to the gods.

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Who was Zeus favorite lover?

His first and favorite lover was Metis, a Titan goddess and mother of Athena.

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