In The Phantom Menace, when Qui-Gon Jinn meets tiny Anakin Skywalker and his mother, he goes on about how the Force is like, crazy strong with Anakin or whatever, and then asks his mother about Anakin's dad. Shmi Skywalker is pretty clear in her answer: There isn't a father. She was impregnated by the Force.
Around this time Shmi discovered that she was pregnant and gave birth to a son she named Anakin. Shmi would say that her son was conceived without a father, but she could not explain how it happened.
The path to her freedom started when a moisture farmer named Cliegg Lars met and fell in love with her. Manipulating Watto into a gambling game that the Toydarian lost, Lars purchased and freed her, and the two eventually married. Shmi became a loving step-mother to his son, Owen Lars. C-3PO also lived with them.
Shmi was not just kidnapped by the Tuskens. She was tortured on a daily basis over a period of several weeks. The novelization of Attack of the Clones goes into some detail, telling us she was beaten with Gaffi sticks, to the point that almost every bone on her body was broken.
Participants. The Grand Experiment was conceived by the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis's desire to create a life form by gaining control of the midi-chlorians, the sentient microscopic organisms that enabled certain beings to wield the power of the Force.
Anakin's father is The Emperor. Palpatine manipulated the Midi-chlorians inside of Shmi's womb to create Anakin.
Shmi Skywalker is pretty clear in her answer: There isn't a father. She was impregnated by the Force. Immediately after seeing this, I tweeted about it, because it is a genuinely strange decision that's really not talked about all that much.
In the comic , a tribe of Tuskens sacrifice the lone witness of recent massacre by . Shmi may have been saved as a sacrifice to appease a god. Its clearly a part of their religion: otherwise, they wouldnt have been so quick to sacrifice for Vader.
Enraged by Shmi's death, Skywalker ignited his lightsaber and slaughtered the guards standing outside the hut. He proceeded to murder every Tusken in the camp, including the women and children.
The second fan theory makes the most sense, however: the nabbing and murder of Shmi Skywalker-Lars was a cruel coming-of-age ritual for that specific tribe of Tusken Raider younglings. One user figured the ritual was essentially a test of how well the Tuskens could make an outsider suffer before they inevitably died.
Anakin, who has since become the Sith Lord Darth Vader, is unaware of his children's birth. The twins soon became part of the Rebel Alliance following the deaths of their adoptive families at the hands of the Empire.
During the iconic opening moments of Star Wars: A New Hope, Darth Vader has a tense confrontation with Princess Leia, an adversary who, unknown to him, is actually his daughter. Despite participating in Leia's interrogation, the Sith Lord doesn't uncover his familial connection with the rebellious royal.
Owen Lars was a human male from the desert planet Tatooine who worked as a moisture farmer. He was the son of Aika and Cliegg Lars, and he became the stepbrother of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker when Cliegg married Anakin's mother, Shmi Skywalker.
She was recovered from the Tusken Raider camp by her son, Padawan Anakin Skywalker, who returned her body to the Lars farm after slaughtering the Tuskens within the camp. Shmi was buried at the farm with a gravestone marking her grave. After her husband Cliegg Lars died, he was buried next to her.
Padmé was born in the year 46 BBY on Naboo, and Anakin was born five years later, in the year 41 BBY. That makes Padmé five years older than Anakin.
And during the conversation, Padme is holding her stomach and appears to have a bump, seemingly confirming she was pregnant long before Revenge of the Sith. However, she chose not to tell Anakin, presumably because he was about to go into a battle.
However, the movie's novelization added a scene right when Anakin arrived at the Jedi Temple, and that's when he murdered his first Jedi: Gate Master Jurokk, who -- along with Shaak Ti -- was in charge of the Temple defenses when Master Windu went to arrest Palpatine.
No. Palpatine had it covered up, and it's irrelevant to Jabba anyway.
The Tusken Raider Jedi
Sharad Hett was a famous Jedi Master who exiled himself on Tatooine. He became disillusioned with his life as a Jedi after the loss of his family. Sharad Hett embraced the culture of the Tusken Raiders.
In the Star Wars film trilogies, Tusken Raiders are cartoon native villains. They're identified as one of the native sentient species of Tatooine who first appear in A New Hope, where they attack Luke Skywalker for no reason until Obi-Wan scares them away with dragon noises.
Anakin discovered that a moisture farmer named Cliegg Lars had bought Shmi from Watto, freed her, and married her. But when he visited the Lars farm, he learned Tusken Raiders had kidnapped his mother. Anakin found Shmi, but she died in his arms.
These unmasked Tusken Raiders had a gray-furred, feline appearance. This fits well with accounts that the Tuskens and Jawas are evolutionary cousins, with the Jawas described as rodent-like in Legends (a trait introduced to canon during The Book of Boba Fett).
In a new excerpt, it's revealed that the names of Rey's parents are Dathan and Miramir. Dathan is the dad and Miramir the mother, if you were wondering; it's not always clear with these names from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
Jocasta Nu finds out whilst running from Vader, Securi driod in Library scans Vader and identifies him. Are there any good reasons why Anakin Skywalker should have been the Chosen One instead of Darth Vader?
Darth Jar Jar, known to most as Jar Jar Binks, was a Gungan Sith Lord. He survived the Battle of Naboo and became a Representative of Naboo, when he helped to give Darth Sidious emergency powers. After the fall of the Galactic Empire, he forced a small alien named Snoke under his evil wing.