Some studies do show that males tend to have a statistically significantly higher level of mental toughness than females of the same age.
Indeed, research has shown that women often score higher on emotional intelligence or empathy tests than men, especially, but not only [10], if measured through self-reports, such as the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i [11]) the Empathy Quotient [12], the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) [13], or emotional ...
Men are physically stronger than women, who have, on average, less total muscle mass, both in absolute terms and relative to total body mass. The greater muscle mass of men is the result of testosterone-induced muscular hypertrophy. Men also have denser, stronger bones, tendons, and ligaments.
Emotional Strength
The person who responds with feelings and then goes forward to resolve the issue is an emotionally strong person. Emotionally strong people are able to: Be less discouraged by setbacks. Be more adaptable to change.
Excellent Communicators- Women of today are not shy in speaking up their mind and are known as wonderful communicators, negotiators and statesman. Women have the ability to make better deal and personal engagements with people due to their impressive personality and unmatched art of oratory.
One of womens' greatest strengths is their optimism women tend to be really good at looking on the bright side, even in the worst of situations women have a strong tendency to see the positive in every situation which means women are more likely than men to be hopeful about their futures.
Men tend to score higher than women in areas of assertiveness, stress tolerance and self-regard (or confidence). Recent research exploring emotional intelligence suggests these differences may play a role in the leadership gender gap.
1) Mentally strong people are adaptable in their thinking and open minded to new evidence. They don't cling to existing beliefs if they no longer seem valid or relevant. 2) Mentally strong people feel fear but do not let it stop them from moving forward.
Mentally strong people don't sit around feeling sorry about their circumstances or how others have treated them. Instead, they take responsibility for their role in life and understand that life isn't always easy or fair. They don't allow others to control them, and they don't give someone else power over them.
US men aged between 20–34 can grip 98 pounds of force. Self-reported beginners to lifting weights said they could: Bench press: 85kg (187 pounds) Squat: 102kg (225 pounds)
On average, boys become stronger than teenage girls by the age of 13 and as strong as women at the age of 14. In terms of athletic performances, 16 year old boys rank somewhere in-between fully developed women and men.
Men were traditionally hunters that needed stamina and strength to kill for food and defend from predators. Hence stronger men had an advantage over weaker men as they could hunt and fight better to support their families.
Hormones may play a role in women having more pain sensitivity. In addition, women have greater nerve density (more nerves in a given area of the body)—which may cause women to feel pain more severely than men. In addition, women's psychological experience of pain differs from men's in certain ways.
Men often express feelings outwardly through body language such as physical gestures, facial changes, muscle tensing and gritting teeth, instead of expressing those emotions with words.
What Defines an Emotionally Intelligent Man? Men who display emotional intelligence are able to recognize, interpret, and respond constructively to emotions, within themselves and others. In order to be emotionally aware, one must first be able to recognize, regulate and manage their own emotions.
Mental muscles grow with tension—just like the physical ones do. Mentally strong people put time and energy into learning, growing, and challenging themselves. They also experiment with coping skills and lifestyle changes to determine what works best for them.
Men who are emotionally and mentally strong work towards growth and self-improvement rather than trying to prove to others who they are and what they are capable of. They like to explore themselves first and see what they can do for their betterment, and moreover, to feel self-content with their set goals.
There ARE NOT two categories of people – the mentally strong and the mentally weak. Instead, everyone possesses mental strength to some degree and we all have the ability to become stronger. Just like you have to keep working out to stay physically strong, mental strength requires ongoing exercise and practice.
Men are also more physical (due to a higher level of testosterone), and they express these needs for emotional closeness by doing things side by side with their wives. It could be walking together, gardening together, eating together, or, their favorite, having sex together.
Men tend to be more aggressive and outperform women on mental tasks involving spatial skills such as mental rotation, whereas women tend to be more empathetic and perform better on verbal memory and language tasks.
Every girl's weakness is having a supportive partner. When they're being cheered on by someone, they're automatically more attracted to that person.
It is the caring she lovingly gives, the passion she shows. Audrey Hepburn, Actor.
A good woman is driven by self-determined values, has high self worth yet is down-to-earth, and shows strength, courage and compassion. A good woman leader is able to trust, set clear goals, allow exchange of thoughts and ideas fairly, is helpful, and believes in equality.
Men love women who are thoughtful, caring, loving and kind. A woman who does little things for her man for no other reason other than that she loves him. A woman who makes him smile back whenever she smiles at him. A woman who radiates love and warmth from her heart.