Panacea was the goddess associated with herbal lore and the salves and medicines that were made from them.
The beautiful Airmid is the Irish Goddess of Healing Arts, particularly associated with herbal healing. She is one of the Tuatha Dé Danann, the ancient mythological race of magical beings. She is also associated with gardening, nature, family and loyalty.
Hygieia, in Greek religion, goddess of health. The oldest traces of her cult are at Titane, west of Corinth, where she was worshipped together with Asclepius, the god of medicine.
Asclepius was naturally adept and expertly trained in administering of medicine to cure illness, performing surgery, incantations and medicinal herbology. The word of his medicinal prowess spread throughout Greece, and he soon became famous for his healing talents.
HYGEIA was the goddess of good health. She was a daughter and attendant of the medicine-god Asklepios (Asclepius), and a companion of the goddess Aphrodite. Her sisters included Panakeia (Panacea) (Cure-All) and Iaso (Remedy). Hygeia's opposite number were the Nosoi (Spirits of Disease).
Loreali, Goddess of Healing & Light (lore-ALL-ee)
Her hand is felt in the healing arts, and many who have been brought back from grave illness or injury have spoken of feeling Loreali's touch as a hand putting a cool, damp cloth against their brow.
Daughter of Asclepius and sister of Hygieia, Panacea was a goddess of healing by way of curative medicine. Her name gives us the word panacea, which refers to a cure-all for disease. She was said to carry a magic potion, which she used to heal people with any illness at all.
1. Asclepius: The Greek God of Health.
Peony-Plant of Healing. Happy Life and Prosperity. It is believed that Peony is named after Paeon (also known as Paean), who was a healing deity who had healed Hades' and Ares' wounds. The flower myth related, says that Paeon was a student of Asclepius, the god of medicine and healing.
Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine, with his snake-entwined staff.
Sekhmet was the ancient Egyptian goddess of war and healing. She was also the patron deity of physicians and healers, and could at one time spread disease and cure it. Equally feared and worshipped, the lioness Sekhmet was without a doubt one of the most prominent goddesses in the Egyptian pantheon.
Sekhmet was associated both with disease and with healing and medicine. Like other fierce goddesses in the Egyptian pantheon, she was called the “Eye of Re.” She was the companion of the god Ptah and was worshipped principally at Memphis.
Asclepius, Greek Asklepios, Latin Aesculapius, Greco-Roman god of medicine, son of Apollo (god of healing, truth, and prophecy) and the mortal princess Coronis. The Centaur Chiron taught him the art of healing.
As one of the ancient goddesses established before the Republic, Flora is believed to have her origins in Greek mythology, where she is known as Chloris (Khloris). Chloris is associated with spring, flowers, and new growth.
Mother Of Herbs plant, Coleus amboinicus, is also known as All Purpose Herb, Cuban Oregano and Fruit Salad Herb.
Hygieia was modified by the Romans into the goddess Valetudo, the goddess of personal health. There exists some debate about whether Hygieia can also be identified with the Roman goddess of social welfare, Salus; however, this has yet to be fully substantiated.
Tulsi is called the queen of all herbs, it is used widely in Ayurvedic and naturopathic medicines which helps in the healing of the human body in a natural manner. Not only do Tulsi leaves benefit people, but their flowers too.
The ancient Greeks worshipped both a god of healing, Asclepius, and a goddess of health, Hygeia. When one examines ancient Greek sculptural representations of Asclepius and Hygeia, a difference in portrayal becomes readily apparent.
The Power of Medicinal Plants
Lavender: Known for its calming properties, lavender can help to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. Echinacea: This plant is commonly used to boost the immune system and prevent colds and flu. Ginger: Ginger has been shown to help with nausea, inflammation, and digestion.
Great mother Isis, the goddess of healing and magic, was crucial to ancient Egyptian religious beliefs. She is known today by her Greek name Isis; however, the ancient Egyptians called her Aset. Her name translates to “Queen of the Throne” which is reflected in her headdress, which is typically a throne.
Panacea and her five sisters each performed a facet of Apollo's art: Panacea was the goddess of cures, Iaso was the goddess of recuperation, Hygieia was the goddess of disease prevention, Aceso was the goddess of recovery, Meditrina was the goddess of longevity, and Aglaea was the goddess of natural beauty.
Babalú-Aye is the spirit of the Earth and strongly associated with infectious disease, and healing. Babalu-aye manifested in a human at the Obaluaye Festival in Ibadan, Oyó State - Nigeria.
Shitala Devi
Arguably the best known of all health-giving goddesses in India, Shitala Devi's influence ranges across the country, barring the South.
In ancient Greece, the goddesses Athena, who cured blindness; Hera, the chief healing deity; and Leto, the surgeon, were worshiped for their healing skills. Hygeia and Panacea, like their father Aesculapius, were "sainted mortals" who probably also had been independently practicing physicians.
EPIONE was the goddess of the soothing of pain. She was the wife of the medicine-god Asklepios (Aslcepius) and the mother of the five Asklepiades (Asclepiades)--Hygeia (Good Health), Panakeia (Cure-All), Iaso (Healing), Aigle (Radiance), and Akeso (Curing).