In the Doctor Strange sequel, the titular character, played by Benedict Cumberbatch, meets a young girl named America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez). America has the power to jump through the multiverse, though she can't control her powers.
Actress Xochitl Gomez made her MCU debut in Multiverse of Madness as the Marvel comics hero, America Chavez.
The mid-credits sequence introduces Clea (Charlize Theron), one of the most important characters from the Doctor Strange mythos, who seeks Strange's help in dealing with a universal incursion.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness has one huge thing going for it: three female characters play vital roles in the story and plot: America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez), Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen), and Christine Palmer (Rachel McAdams).
The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is expanding with the introduction of a new character, America Chavez, in "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness," in theaters on Thursday. Actress Xochitl Gomez, 16, makes her debut as a teenage multiversal traveler and the first LGBTQ Latina superhero in the MCU.
America Chavez is shattering barriers in the comics universe and beyond. She is the first lesbian Latina superhero with her own Marvel Comics series.
Living in the Utopian Parallel
Chavez was born in the Utopian Parallel, a dimension outside the Multiverse and lived with her mothers, Elena and Amalia Chavez. One day, Chavez accidentally conjured a star-shaped portal after being scared by a bee, sending herself and her parents to separate alternate universes.
Doctor Strange's third eye (the Eye of Agamotto) in the comics, according to Bustle, represents wisdom of the sorcerer Agamotto and his Vishanti. The Eye allows him to see the true intentions of his enemies and break down all magical illusions.
In the comics, Doctor Strange's third eye is an organic manifestation of the Eye of Agamotto. It represents the wisdom of the sorcerer Agamotto and his fellow Vishanti, allowing Strange to see his enemies' true intentions and break magical illusions.
The Eye of Agamotto is given upon someone with good intentions and a decent heart in the comics. doctor Strange's intentions were good, since he only used the Darkhold to prevent Wanda from snatching America's talents, which explains why he holds the Third Eye.
Inside the Orb, Clea was corrupted and she was reborn as a demonic figure composed of flames. This is what Clea could have become in the Dark Dimension, if she had reached her potential for evil.
Clea was born the daughter of Prince Orini, legitimate heir to the rule of the Dark Dimension, and Umar, sister to the then-current ruler Dormammu. However, Umar was disgusted by her affair with Orini, abandoning Clea to be raised by him, and Prince Orini kept secret any knowledge of her true origins.
Clea Strange makes it perfectly clear that she is more powerful than Doctor Strange ever was, especially as Sorcerer Supreme of two worlds.
In contrast, Nexus Events are circumstances that must happen and cannot be changed under any condition. One could think of America as being an unstoppable force and Nexus Events as immovable objects. As a Nexus Being, America Chavez is interdimensionally unique, meaning she has no variants.
Technically, she first used the legacy title of “Miss America,” the same name as a heroineOpens in new tab who fought alongside Captain America during World War II. But eventually, the “Miss” part went away, and she became primarily known by her full birth name, America Chavez, in Marvel's world.
Actor Xochitl Gomez plays America Chavez in the Doctor Strange 2. In the film the character Chavez is a teenager from another planet who has the ability to move between dimensions by punching open gateways. The film also acknowledges that Chavez is gay, as in the comics.
The Eye is a weapon of wisdom that can radiate a powerful mystical light that allows Strange to see through all disguises and illusions, see past events, and track both ethereal and corporeal beings by their psychic or magical emissions.
He is an alternate version of the Sorcerer Supreme who befriended America Chavez, who was being pursued by creatures across the multiverse. When failing to obtain the Book of Vishanti, Defender Strange attempted to absorb her powers to protect the multiverse, but was mortally wounded by the Ribboned Creature.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness introduced Charlize Theron as Clea into the MCU.
In a post credits scene, Strange is once again walking happily through the West Village, clearly over his third eye incident, when a woman approaches him. It's none other than Charlize Theron, playing Clea, the daughter of Dormammu, the big, fiery villain from the first Doctor Strange movie.
In the comics, the Eye of Agamotto is one of three eyes created by Agamotto, placed into the care of Eternity until given to Doctor Strange to battle Dormammu. It is used for order or "white" magic only.
With The Scarlet Witch trailing them, Strange, America, and 838's Christine Palmer seek out the book and its power. However, as quickly as it's introduced, it's destroyed within the film. “You see what happens to the Book of Vishanti,” laughed Waldron. “We blow it to hell.
She also appeared several times in Kate Bishop's solo “Hawkeye” series. Chavez's most well known relationship is with Kate Bishop, who became Hawkeye after Clint Barton. In the main universe, the two have never actually dated, but constantly flirt and are best friends to the end.
With the ability to create cross-dimensional portals, superhuman strength, and flight, America Chavez comes to believe she and her powers originate from the Utopian Parallel, a realm outside conventional time and space formed from the “unbinding of magic” by the multidimensional messiah Demiurge.
Miss America. America Chavez, also known as Miss America (b. July 4), is a fictional character and superheroine from Marvel comics, appearing as the main protagonist of the America comics, and a major character in the Young Avengers and Ultimates comics.