In that episode, it is revealed that Darla was once romantically involved with Angel and that she turned him into a vampire. Angel stakes her through the heart.
Spike calls Angel his sire, an intentional misdirection to make fans believe that Angel was the vampire who sired him. When Spike uses sire he also mentions "Yoda", indicating that he thought of Angel as his mentor - the father-figure who taught him after he became a vampire.
Flashbacks show Darla as a syphilis-stricken prostitute being transformed into a vampire by the demonic Master, her retaliation when the Gypsies cursed Angelus with a soul, and the Boxer Rebellion in China.
Angel is the title character on the show. He's a vampire with a soul who was originally born in Galway, Ireland in 1727 and became a vampire in 1753 as the age of 26.
Angel was one of the most well-known vampires in all of vampiric history, legendary for both his savage villainy and his great heroism. Born Liam in 1727 in Galway, Ireland, he was sired by Darla in 1753, taking the name Angelus, he earned notoriety as the worst vampire in history.
It is not until the episode "Angel" that the character is revealed to be a benevolent vampire from Galway, Ireland, who emigrated to the United States to escape his past as the sadistic Angelus after his soul was restored by a vengeful Romani clan.
Life With a Soul
He was sought out in the 1990s by the demon Whistler, who persuaded him to fight against the evil that he had once embodied in an effort to redeem himself. He pointed Angel towards the newly-activated Slayer, Buffy Summers. Angel resolved to help her in any way possible.
1. Spike. We know that Team Angel fans are probably screaming at their computers right now, but hear us out. There are plenty of reasons Spike was the most powerful vampire in the Buffyverse.
Returning to Buffy, Angel tells her he has been to The Oracles to ask to become a vampire again — and that they granted his request.
How old is Angel/Spike/Drusilla/Darla? Their sirings are all shown in flashbacks: Angel was turned in 1753, Spike in 1880, Drusilla in 1860, and Darla in 1609. Angel is 26, Drusilla is 19.
However, the unthinkable had happened: Darla had become pregnant as a result of Angel winning a life by enduring the trials in an attempt to save her when she was dying. Darla visited every shaman in the Western Hemisphere, all of whom told her that her pregnancy was inherently impossible, but also impossible to abort.
Connor was the half-demon son of the vampires Angel and Darla and a member of Angel Investigations. Connor was conceived when his father, Angel, slept with Darla while going through a dark phase.
However, various events (particularly Cordelia's possession by Jasmine) kept them from admitting their feelings to each other, although shortly before Cordelia died, they revealed their love for one another and shared a single kiss. She died loving Angel, knowing that Angel loved her back.
"I Will Remember You" is episode 8 of season 1 in the television show Angel, originally broadcast on the WB network. In this episode, Buffy follows Angel back to Los Angeles, where she confronts him about his surreptitious assistance back in Sunnydale.
They seem to perform equally in fights and possess the same level of physical strength. In Angel season 5, Spike does come out ahead in one Episode. Angel says that he was stronger and that he wanted it more.
However, bound to an amulet, Spike became an incorporeal entity haunting the halls of Wolfram & Hart Los Angeles branch, then under the management of Team Angel. After becoming corporeal again, Spike struggled to find a place in the world, only to join Angel in his battle against the Senior Partners.
Darla becomes pregnant, a unique occurrence for a vampire. She sacrifices herself in order to give birth to her and Angel's human son Connor, ending her run on the series.
After three seasons on Buffy, Cordelia left the series to move over to star in Angel, a spin-off series focusing on Buffy's vampire ex-lover Angel (David Boreanaz). The first season of Angel sees Cordelia move to Los Angeles, in the hopes of escaping her new-found poverty by becoming an actress.
Angel told Buffy this at the last minute. He confessed he loved her completely, but they couldn't be together when it cost her life and the people they still needed to help against the evil forces.
The Master (Mark Metcalf) is the oldest and most powerful vampire. He became trapped in Sunnydale 60 years ago when his plan to open the Hellmouth - a gateway to unleash demonic forces - was thwarted by an earthquake. Now Sunnydale High School lies on top of the Hellmouth and has become the focus of vampire activity.
He was forced by his restored conscience to reconcile with his sinful past; however, the curse came with an additional danger: Angel could never experience true happiness, as it would result in the removal of his soul. Angel lost his soul twice: first, when he slept with Buffy Summers, and again, due to a spell.
There were a lot more supernatural elements
Angels were part of The Celestial Court, which was akin to heaven, and they also ruled over different dimensions of hell. Elena was half human, half angel. Her mother was an angel who defected and came to live on Earth.
Canon is that Angel loves Buffy, but due to the curse on him, they cannot be together because if truly happy, he goes back to being Angelus.
Angel fires his three colleagues after escalating disagreements about his growing moral corruption.
After the Mohra demon nearly kills Angel, Angel realises that him being human is a bad idea. It'll put Buffy in danger (as she'll constantly have to worry about him and try to protect him during fights), it'll put him friends in danger, and it will mean that Angel can't help the helpless anymore.