Raven uses her White Cloak and became invincible, she uppercuts Superman and uses her final spell, opening up a portal sending him to a dark and evil world, where he won't survive, and never seeing the day of light again.
Raven wins because Superman only blitzes people in WWW matches and he has no defense against her soul magic. Actual Superman stories have him as often as not just sticking his chest out and assuming he can tank whatever is coming.
As an Omega-level mutant, Jean is exceptionally powerful. Her telekinetic abilities could overwhelm even the emotionally controlled Raven in a fight. The term 'Omega-level' was first introduced in 1986's Uncanny X-Men #208 before being further explored in 2001's X-Men Forever.
It's well documented that Raven isn't just the most powerful character in the Teen Titans, but she's also one of the most powerful in DC. Raven inherited her power from her father, Trigon. Trigon, for reference, is one of the most powerful comic beings.
Raven is among the most powerful magic users in the DC Universe. Raven's connection to souls, darkness, and her powerful cosmic lineage allows her to tap into magical and mystical energies, and she even manages to master them to an unknown extent.
Enemies. Alex Luthor, Jr. H.I.V.E.
Raven uses her White Cloak and became invincible, she uppercuts Superman and uses her final spell, opening up a portal sending him to a dark and evil world, where he won't survive, and never seeing the day of light again.
Weaknesses. Raven possesses a few weaknesses to her abilities: as an empath, she is unable to completely disconnect herself from other's emotions, being around too many people with heightened emotions can pose a risk to her. Raven is also susceptible to overwhelming mystical forces.
In a one-on-one fight, Raven would destroy Wonder Woman. She has long-range offenses that Diana can't match, and if she does tap into her true power, it's all over. Wonder Woman would never go after Raven alone, instead, bringing in help to take her down.
Brother Blood is immune to Raven's soul-self due to his shawl's powers. He is also nigh invulnerable and has supernatural physical strength. The second Blood's powers work in a manner similar to those of a vampire: he gains strength from blood, and can take on the abilities of anyone whose blood he has sampled.
Phoenix may be more experienced, but Raven had almost everything better. Trigon is much stronger then any of the other characters Jean defeated, and White Raven also had the ability to easily stop Jean's attacks.
Superman Is Not Immune To Magic
Scarlet Witch's most important aspect in this fight is that she has the ability to defeat Superman. He is not impervious to magic, so her hits will damage him. Superman gains his power from the sun, and this charging method gives him no more immunity to magic damage than any other human.
Doomsday did something no one else could do in DC Comics. He killed Superman. This was one of DC's biggest comic book moments. Doomsday was raised on Krypton as a weapon of mass destruction, killed and resurrected constantly, ensuring it could never die the same way twice.
Barry Allen
The first decisive victory between Superman and a speedster takes place in World's Finest Comics #198-199. As the cover to issue #198 boldly states: “And this time, there MUST be a winner!” Despite cover illustrations to the contrary, this race too is on foot, and it's Barry who claims victory.
Age: Unlike the other Titans, Raven has a unique situation when it comes to her age. She's 18 in the comics as she mentions coming to Earth to form Teen Titans at eighteen. In a reboot comic version of Raven, she's a year younger, in the age range of 16-17.
Raven would win in a fight against Scarlet Witch because her extremely potent powers as an empath can abuse Wanda's greatest weakness, her own mind. Raven and Scarlet Witch are on more or less the same level of power, and both are capable of destruction on a near-cosmic level.
A recording of her told Cyborg that Beast Boy was stressed by being team leader, and even compared him to Nightwing. Raven then left the Titans because she learned a secret about the new members of the team, though she let them think she was leaving because of Beast Boy.
Most incarnations depict Brainiac (alias Vril Dox) as a bald, green-skinned alien cyborg or android from the planet Colu and one of the most dangerous villains in the DC universe, capable of possessing others, inventing extremely advanced weaponry (such as force fields and shrinking rays), physically matching or ...
No. 1 – Lex Luthor: First appearing in “Action Comics #23” (April 1940), Lex Luthor is the greatest criminal mind of our time. Bent on world domination with an extremely high IQ, Lex fights a never ending personal, public, and political battle against the Man of Steel. Lex Luthor is Superman's greatest enemy.
As we say, Lex Luthor isn't just Superman's greatest enemy, he's one of the greatest supervillains of the entire DCU and heck, all of comic books. Still, with Luthor, it all comes back to Superman. Throughout all his incarnations - corrupt businessman ...
During the storyline “Titans Hunt,” Raven was corrupted by her father's influence and turned evil. She would eventually ruin Nightwing and Starfire's wedding, and would later seemingly die.
Raven (civilian name Rachel Roth) is one of the main characters of the Teen Titans series. She is a human-demon hybrid, originating from the parallel dimension of Azarath, and is one of five founding members of the Teen Titans.
Crows can defeat ravens in flocks, although ravens are stronger. Species: “Crow” refers to any bird of the genus Corvus which includes crows, ravens, jays, and magpies, but it is also a particular species in that genus.