One jar jar could rip vader's limbs off and beat him to death with them. One hundred jar jar's popping into existence will instantly kill vader with a disturbance in the force with power equivalent to 10 death star blasts. Vader stands no chance.
Throughout the prequels, Jar-Jar performs several Force jumps, including a perfect 20-foot twisting somersault — a type of stunt only Force-users are ever seen doing. He takes down a battle droid tank by himself, and multiple droids with a blaster tangled around his ankle.
no one can beat him he is invincible. The only one that comes close is Coleman trebor if they ever fought it would destroy the galaxy. Yes jar jar is the most powerful being in the entire galaxy. In face he cannot be beaten not even by the celestials.
1 Luke Skywalker
Having faced his father once before, Luke was familiar with his tactics and used the force to gain an upper-hand. In Star Wars Canon, only Luke Skywalker can be acknowledged as the one who truly defeated Darth Vader.
While Windu is incredibly skilled with the Force and has many different Force abilities, Darth Vader's sheer destructive power whenever he uses the Force is almost unmatched.
Yoda will most likely win in a fight against Darth Vader because he is more skilled with a lightsaber and has the experience and feats that allow him to trim whatever size and strength advantage Darth Vader has over him. In fact, Yoda nearly defeated Palpatine, something that Vader could never do.
Out of all of the Jedi Masters in the storyline of Star Wars, the only character that defeated Vader decisively multiple times was Obi-Wan Kenobi. He was never the strongest Jedi regarding his combat prowess and Force powers, but he had the patience, discipline, and wisdom of a true Jedi Master.
Some time later, he faced the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Infil'a put up a fierce fight against Vader, almost killing him by throwing the already damaged Sith Lord off of a cliff. Despite severe damage to his suit, Vader survived the fall, and repaired himself with parts from Infil'a's droid, Arex.
Top-tier Jedi and some Jedi with specific advantages against Vader (OT Luke, Obi-Wan) could beat him by themselves. Some of the more powerful councilors could take him in groups of 2–4.
1 Darth Sidious
As well as being a gifted bladesman Sidious' connection to the Dark Side is extremely powerful, granting Sidious the ability to conduct force lightning.
He was met with overwhelming dislike from both critics and audiences, and has been recognized as one of the most hated characters in Star Wars and the history of film in general, with some commentators arguing that the character was based on stereotypes of African Americans.
Boss Nass agreed and subsequently promoted Binks to the position of Bombad General. During the Battle of Naboo, General Binks led his forces against the Federation's droid army at the Great Grass Plains.
Rugor Nass, also known as Boss Nass, was a male Ankura Gungan. He was the Boss of all the Otolla Gungans, of Otoh Gunga, and of the Gungan High Council at the time of the Invasion of Naboo.
According to Star Wars Legends content, the first Sith was a former Jedi Master, Ajunta Pall, who became a so-called Dark Jedi, or “Fallen” Jedi.
The most important factor that Lumpawarroo, and others, failed to consider was Jar Jar's age. According to Wookieepedia, Gungans have a lifespan of about 65 galactic standard years.
Snoke Is Not a Sith Lord
He was never given one because he isn't technically a Sith Lord. But the fact that he's a bio-engineered being created by Palpatine explains why his training of Kylo Ren followed the Sith mold so closely, since all along Palpatine was trying to manipulate Ren.
Vader, the only power who overrules him is papa Palpatine.
Darth Vader Kills Starkiller (Star Wars The Force Unleashed) - YouTube.
Darth Vader hated Obi-Wan Kenobi because he hated himself. This started when he thought that Kenobi was the one that poisoned Padmé into turning against Anakin when he turned to the dark side. But the truth was that Anakin was merely projecting his own self-hatred toward Obi-Wan.
Darth Vader is one of the best villains of all time, and across his years, he has killed some very important Jedi in the Star Wars series. Across the galaxy far, far away, one terrifying Sith Lord has been wiping out remnants of the Jedi Order for years.
It's implied that for the rest of his life, Lieutenant Crest never fails Vader again, so it really was "for the last time."
The Force: As the Chosen One, Vader was immensely powerful and had an amazingly strong connection to the Force, stronger than any Force-user ever in existence. He also possessed the potential to according to Obi-Wan Kenboi become the most powerful light and dark side Force-Sensitive being in the history of the galaxy.
Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, Yoda's Jedi instructor was N'Kata Del Gormo, a Hysalrian Jedi Master, according to an in-universe legend.
While Obi-Wan Kenobi was frail by the time of Star Wars: A New Hope, he was still stronger with the Force than Darth Vader. The duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader in Star Wars: A New Hope looks dated by today's standards.